shnozzle-45worlds 31st May 2015
| | Magic Marmalade, your floppy tipex guy was called Charlie and he was definately on Words and Pictures. His side-kick was Henry Woolf (the bloke that sold the Steptoes that blind whippet). |
Magic Marmalade ● 31st May 2015
| | without wishing to go too much into the Thatcher discussion here in polite society... One memory I have is my first year in infants, when we went for our first break, where I was presented with a big glass of lovely milk, and cookies...
This was wonderful to have every day, until the very next term, we lined up to recieve our daily milk and cookies, and none were forthcoming. I remember the awkward, and pained expression on the dinner-ladies' faces as they had to tell a row of infants there were not doing that any more.
So Thatcher did rob me of my Milk and Cookies!!!! Grrrr.
(Oh the scars of tender years that last a lifetime!) |
BiggieTembo-45worlds 31st May 2015
| | It did occur to me the other day that with all this Brit TV on the site that we grew up with, anyone born and raised in another country must be wondering what the hell was going on with us... no wonder we're so grumpy and strange!
It's not the TV programs that've done that - that's 30+ years of Thatcherism, aye |
Magic Marmalade ● 30th May 2015
| | AAAAaaaaarrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You just undid years of therapy by posting that shnozzle!
But you're spot on, on all counts there.... Words and pictures, that was it... and I'd forgotten about the pencil!
(I lernd absolutely nuffing at skool)
That I didn'y mind so much, but that Picture Box... jeez, I haven't seen that in donkey's years, and just as disturbing as I remember it (Oh my fragile young miind!!!) - albeit whoever posted it on youtube has re-edited it to make it longer, and I suspect, messed around with the Audio a bit to make it even more trippy.
I remember the big telly on wheels too (I'm smiling as I recall that!).
It did occur to me the other day that with all this Brit TV on the site that we grew up with, anyone born and raised in another country must be wondering what the hell was going on with us... no wonder we're so grumpy and strange!
There was another one I vaguely remember with a kind of tip-ex man... like a badly drawn Leonard Rositter in black marker pen outline on white paper, that used to flop about the place (Along the lines of Words and Pictures) |
shnozzle-45worlds 30th May 2015
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Nightmarish |
shnozzle-45worlds 30th May 2015
| | Just you tubed wordy and it appears that it was called look and read. Similar sort o thing though. |
shnozzle-45worlds 30th May 2015
| | Words and pictures is the one with wordy . it also had a pencil which lit up as it traced out letters of the alphabet and i think the creepy one you are referring to is picture box. The teacher used to wheel the big telly out with the wooden blinds and we used to pretend to shoot out the dots as they disappeared clockwise off the screen....or maybe thats just a Barnsley thing. |
Magic Marmalade ● 30th May 2015
| | By the way, two TV shows I vaguely remember them making us watch at school... one had this floating orange thing with letters stuck to it's head (Wordy or something) and the other I remember almost nothing about except the opening sequence which had this out of focus revolving ruby box that was completely creepy.
...any ideas what these were? |
Magic Marmalade ● 30th May 2015
| | pa pah, pa pah, pa-Pah pa-paah!
I can remember sitting in front of the telly as a kid while mum made me cauliflower cheese for tea...hhmmmmm (smells like armpits, but tastes great).
(Just a bit disappointing to find yourself resembling a flump more closely the older you get!)
Thanks for posting schnozzle. |
shnozzle-45worlds 30th May 2015
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