Carl Sandburg - Vinyl Albums - Track List« View Artist Sorted by Count : Sort AlphabeticallyCareless Love | 2 | Alice B | 1 | All That Kerosene | 1 | An Ocean Of Tomorrows | 1 | Boll Weevil Song | 1 | Cahoots | 1 | Cool Tombs | 1 | Down In The Valley | 1 | Dust, Sweeping Wendy, A Study In Fugue, Paper, I, Paper, II, Doors, Boxes And Bags, Little Girl, Be Careful What You Say | 1 | Eatin' Goober Peas | 1 | Einstein Would Feel At Home | 1 | Explanations Of Love | 1 | Face | 1 | Flying Carpet | 1 | Foggy Foggy Dew | 1 | Four Preludes On Playthings Of The Wind | 1 | François Villon Forgotten | 1 | Get The Money | 1 | Gone | 1 | Hard Time Blues | 1 | He's Gone Away | 1 | How Bozo The Button Buster Busted All His Buttons When A Mouse Came | 1 | How Googler And Gaggler, The Two Christmas Babies, Came Home | 1 | How Henry Hagglyhoagly Played The Guitar With His Mittens On | 1 | How Six Pigeons Came Back To Hatrack The Horse | 1 | How Six Umbrellas Took Off Their Straw Hats To Show Respect | 1 | How The Bring Back The Village Of Cream Puffs | 1 | How The Five Rusty Rats Helped Find A New Village | 1 | How The Three Wild Babylonian Baboons Went Away In The Rain | 1 | How They Broke Away To Go To The Rootabaga Country | 1 | I Ride An Old Paint | 1 | If I Die A Railroad Man (John Henry) | 1 | In Der Vinter Time | 1 | In Tall Grass | 1 | Jazz Fantasia, Chicago Poet, Evening Waterfall, Small Homes | 1 | Jet Age Yarns | 1 | Lincoln - Hope | 1 | Love Letter To Hans Christian Andersen, Foolish About Windows, Mysterious Biography, Seventeen Months, Maybe, Sleep Impressions | 1 | Mag | 1 | Man The Dreamer | 1 | Medley: Sailing, Sailing / Fancies, Fancies / In The Evening By The Moonlight / Carry Me Back To Old Virginia | 1 | Milk-White Moon, Put The Cows To Sleep, Early Moon, Worms And The Wind, The Abracadabra Boys, The Wind On The Way | 1 | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday | 1 | Motherless Children (Part 1) | 1 | Motherless Children (Part 2) | 1 | My Name Is Yon Yonson | 1 | Night Bells, Harmonica Humdrums, Changing Light Winds, Number Man, Anywhere And Everywhere People, Snatch Of Sliphorn Jazz | 1 | Night Stuff | 1 | Nora's Dove | 1 | Prairie Waters By Night | 1 | Prayers Of Steel | 1 | Prison Road | 1 | Psalm Of Those Who Go Off Before Daylight | 1 | Red River Valley | 1 | Sea Chest | 1 | Showers Of Dollars | 1 | Sky Pieces | 1 | Sky Talk | 1 | Slipfoot And How He Nearly Always Never Gets What He Goes After | 1 | Small World | 1 | Southern Pacific | 1 | Storms Begin Far Back | 1 | Straight And Fast | 1 | Suckin' Cider Through A Straw | 1 | The Fireborn Are At Home In Fire | 1 | The Gallows Song | 1 | The Haystack Cricket And How Things Are Different Up In The Moon Towns | 1 | The Horse Named Bill | 1 | The Look Of Pioneers | 1 | The Old Gray Mare | 1 | The Ship That Never Returned | 1 | The Skyscraper To The Moon And How The Green Rat With The Rheumatism Ran A Thousand Miles Twice | 1 | The Unknown War | 1 | The Value Of Great Expectations | 1 | The Wedding Procession Of The Rag Doll And The Broom Handle And Who Was In It | 1 | The Windy City | 1 | The Wright Brothers | 1 | Their Visions Came Through | 1 | They All Want To Play Hamlet | 1 | This Street Never Sleeps, New Song For Indiana Ophelias, Wall Shadows, Little Candle, Crossed Numbers | 1 | Three Stories About The Letter X And How It Got Into The Alphabet | 1 | Turkey In The Straw | 1 | Two Moon Fantasies, Sky Talk, Our Hills, Meadow In Summer, We Must Be Polite: Lessons For Children On How To Behave Under Peculiar Circumstances, Arithmetic | 1 | Wanderin' | 1 | What Is Poetry?, A Small Talk, Buffalo Dusk, Phizzog, Primer Lesson, Young Sea | 1 | Where To? What Next? | 1 | White Ash | 1 | Why The Big Ball Game Between Hot Grounders And The Grand Standers Was A Hot Game | 1 | Woven Spiritual | 1 |