Jim Morrison Music By The Doors - Vinyl Albums - Track List« View Artist Sorted by Count : Sort AlphabeticallyBlack Polished Chrome / Latino Chrome | 10 | Ghost Song | 10 | Lament | 10 | American Night | 9 | Angels And Sailors / Stoned Immaculate | 9 | Awake | 9 | Curses, Invocations | 9 | Dawn's Highway / New Born Awakening | 9 | Roadhouse Blues | 9 | The Hitchhiker | 9 | To Come Of Age | 9 | The Movies | 6 | An American Prayer: The End / Albinoni: Adagio | 4 | The Movie | 4 | An American Prayer / The End / Albinoni: Adagio | 3 | American Night | 1 | Angels And Sailors / Stoned Immaculate | 1 | Awake | 1 | Curses, Invocations | 1 | Dawn's Highway / Newborn Awakening | 1 | Ghost Song | 1 | Roadhouse Blues | 1 | The Hitchhiker | 1 | The Movie | 1 | To Come Of Age | 1 | An American Prayer | 1 | An American Prayer (The End / Adagio) | 1 | An American Prayer / The End - Albinoni: Adagio | 1 | An American Prayer; The End; Albinoni: Adagio | 1 | Awake:Ghost Song, Dawn's Highway, New Born Awakening | 1 | Stoned Immaculate | 1 | The Poet's Dreams:The Movie, Curses, Invocations | 1 | The Severed Garden (Adagio) | 1 | To Come Of Age:Black Polished Chrome, Latino Chrome, Angels And Sailors, Stoned Immaculate | 1 | World On Fire: American Night, Roadhouse Blues, Lament, The Hitchhiker | 1 |