Vincent Price - Vinyl Albums - Track List« View Artist Sorted by Count : Sort AlphabeticallyAn Enemy Of The People | 2 | Long Engagement | 2 | Love Affair | 2 | Marissa | 2 | The Gambler | 2 | The Governor's Son | 2 | The Importance Of Being Earnest - Part 1 | 2 | The Importance Of Being Earnest - Part 2 | 2 | A Pair Of Gloves | 1 | Adonais | 1 | Celebrity Spot | 1 | Come As You Are | 1 | Curses, Spells, Charms | 1 | Curses, Spells, Charms (Continued), Potions | 1 | Gobbleknoll (Edited By Alan Garner, Transposed From A Sioux Folktale)) | 1 | Hitler And Witchcraft, Witchcraft In History | 1 | How To Communicate With The Spirits (Continued), Gerald Yorke And Necromancy | 1 | How To Invoke Spirits, Demons, Unseen Forces, The Magic Bloodstone | 1 | How To Make A Pact With The Devil, How To Become A Witch | 1 | Hymn To Intellectual Beauty | 1 | Music, When Soft Voices Die | 1 | Not Wanted On The Voyage | 1 | Ode To The West Wind | 1 | Prayer | 1 | Preparation For Magic, Instruments Of Magic | 1 | Prologue - The Tale Of Master Seth | 1 | Speciality Of The House | 1 | Sweden (Concerning The Practice Of Withcraft In That Country) | 1 | The Broomstick Train | 1 | The Hand Of Glory, The Witches Sabbat | 1 | The Lone Grave | 1 | The Phantom Merry-go-round | 1 | The Smoker (Edited By Alan Garner, Freely Adapted From An Iroquois Legend) | 1 | The Witches Cauldron, How To Communicate With The Spirits | 1 | The Witches' Reel (North Berwick) | 1 | To A Skylark | 1 | To Become A Werewolf | 1 | To Get Out Of This World Alive | 1 | To My Dear, Dear Saladin | 1 | To Raise The Dead | 1 | Witch Tortures | 1 | Witch Tortures (Continued), The World Of Spirits And Demons | 1 | Witchcraft Today, Epilogue | 1 | With A Guitar, To Jane | 1 | Women As Witches, Witch Burning | 1 | [From] Prometheus Unbound | 1 |