Winston Scotty Fitzgerald - Vinyl Albums - Track List« View Artist Sorted by Count : Sort AlphabeticallyArchie Menzie | 1 | Bonnie Kate | 1 | Canty Jeanie, Miss Lexie Smith, The Authur Seat, Canty Old Man, Carcon Volage, The Lass O' Corrie Mill, Fisher's Wedding, Perth Assembly | 1 | Cape Breton Melley, Champion, Lady Menzie | 1 | Fisher's | 1 | George I. Taylor, Marquis Of Huntley, Col. McBains Reel | 1 | Hiawatha | 1 | Iona Melody, Mrs. Wallace, Red Shoes | 1 | Jamie Hardie | 1 | Jimmy Linn's | 1 | Little John's Name | 1 | Macnabb's Hornpipe, Farmer's Daughter | 1 | Marchioness Of Huntly | 1 | Medley Of Highland Jigs | 1 | Miss. Anne Mac Cormack | 1 | Miss. Maules | 1 | Mist On The Loch | 1 | Mrs. Douglas Of Ednam | 1 | Newcastle | 1 | Poppy Leaf, Beautiful Swannee River | 1 | Riddrie | 1 | Sleepy Maggie | 1 | Southern Melodies, Polo March | 1 | St. Kilda Wedding | 1 | Stool Of Repentance | 1 | Teviot Bridge | 1 | The College | 1 | The Iron Man | 1 | The Wonder | 1 | Trip To Windsor | 1 |