This is an Argentinian releases of the carpenters LP
The difference here is the label variant. The label color is yellow with the A&M records logo on the left side.
Arrangement, piano, electric piano: Richard carpenter
Singed by: Karen carpenter and Richard carpenter
Drums: Karen carpenter; Hal Blaine
Producer: jack Daugherty
Engineer: ray gerhart
Distributed by: EMI
Fonographic producer: industrias eléctricas y musicales Odeon, S. A. I. C.
Buenos Aires - República Argentina
Marca registrada - industria argentina
este disco puede ser escuchado en parados monoaurales
Number:2814901 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Edited By:scrough Description: Frontside of the cover. As the USA one, the design is the same. The only difference here is the tittle in Spanish, the mono/estéreo (stereo) program and the catalog number.
Number:2814903 Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Description: Part 1 of the gatefold. Here give us the somg’s lyrics, even the intermission.
Number:2814904 Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Description: Part 2 of the gatefold. As the part 1, here are the song lyrics. I forget to said that there are interesting draws and else.
Number:2814905 Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Description: Side 1. As I said on the description, the label is the same as the USA one. The only differences are, the EMI logo, the credits on the nearest sides of the vinyl, the Spanish titles, and the catalog number of EMI records.
Number:2814906 Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Description: Side 2. As the side 1, the things changes. The label colors are: white, red, black and yellow.
Number:2814907 Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Description: Matrix round. SP=. A&M RECORDS catalog number for stereo records. 3531= catalog number.