Karussell label - GOLD-SERIE series
Karussell, once "merely" a record label, is now a fully fledged company in its own right. In an attempt to simplify the situation and group Karussell releases together, this is regarded as being a Deutsche Grammophon/Polydor associate. The above release was issued by Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft as one of a Karussell Gold-Serie range of releases and features a GOLD/BLACK/WHITE label used for medium price product. Budget issues were marketed on a RED/WHITE/BLACK design. In 1981, Karussell became an "independent" subsidiary and introduced a new RED/BLACK vinyl label on its medium price range of reissue material culled from the catalogs of Polydor/DGG, Phonogram and Metronome. By the Nineties, the company was known as Karussell Musik & Video GmbH and sub-licensing additional material, including Connie's 1989 Malaco recordings, via Britain's Prism Leisure Corporation.
A1: German version - Abridged
A2: Dual tracked version
A3: German version - dual tracked
A4: German version
A5: German version
A6: German version