Disc container title: Cristina Deutekom zingt Mozart aria's.
Side B label has typos on B3: Or sal [sic] chi l'onore rapire a me voise [sic] is correct on container: Or sai chi l'onore rapire a me volse.
Full title of opera on tracks A3, B1-B2 appears on container: Die Entführung aus dem Serail.
Pub. date estimated 1965-1975.
Odeon label pasted over pub. on container.
Charles Vanderzand is conductor's name.
This is a strong recital by Cristina Deutekom. Some of Mozart's most demanding arias (A1 and A2 with stratospheric high Fs) are presented here with fully voiced, intense and consistent singing. The coloratura technique is unusual in that each note is distinctively articulated. I've never heard anything like it.