Producer: Gordon Mills
Phono producer: EMI-ODEON S. A. I. C.
bajo licencia de London records inc., New York USA.
Printed and made by: ALPHA S. A. I. C.
Number:2815028 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Description: Frontside of the cover. The design is very simple, still it’s good. It shows to us Tom while he’s singing and the album title. On the below part the London logo is on the cover.
Number:2815029 Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Description: Backside. Here give us the necessary information and things to listen to this album.
Number:2815030 Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Description: Side 1. The label is on light blue as I can see. The London label logo is on the top part of the label. The catalog number is on the below part of it.
Number:2815031 Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Description: Side 2. The COMAR and SADAIC-BIEM rights are on the middle left side of the label. The year of pressing is on the right side of label along with the matrix round number.