Black, White, Opaque (Clear), Blue, Green, Red, Orange, and Yellow (Distinct from the Orange).
You will find this described around the web as either a Netherlands issue, or Netherlands manufactured for export to UK (Import, from UK point of view).
Credit / Lyric Insert.
Produced by Gary Numan.
Number:3531490 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By:leonard Description: front cover
Number:3531491 Uploaded By:leonard Description: back cover
Number:3531492 Uploaded By:leonard Description: insert front
Number:3531494 Uploaded By:leonard Description: insdert back
Been keeping an eye on these Dutch coloured vinyl issues for a while now, and while the Green and Blue ones do turn up on a fairly frequent basis, and the yellow one only slightly less so, the red (actual dutch red pressing, not the UK - shine a light through black to make red-ish) is very infrequent, and the White and opaque / transparent / translucent ones I don't recall having seen turn up.
...As for my orange one, this was moderately frequent about a couple of years back, but has been turning up less frequently recently; When it did, back then, it would go for about £100, but one appeared in the last month (after about a year not being listed) with a quite worn sleeve and lyric inner, and it hit £411, with 14 bids. here
What that would do to the white and clear pressings is anybody's guess, but I'm guessing they would hit some pretty stiff figures!
I've added the valuation here for the Orange based on that recent listing, but due to the condition grading qualification I added, the value- upscale-to mint estimation seems more than a little high to me.
Basically, the value generator has double the valuation to £811 for mint - which I'm not sure it would get, even in that condition - five to six hundred maybe (?) - but take that £811 mint value with a pinch of salt.
ReviewThe whole statement about this (and Gary Numan) being “otherwordly electronica” is not new, but it still sounds ahead of it's time.
This is not an album in the traditional sense, but what I can only describe as a series of progressions within one overall electro art-pop “movement” (strewth – hark at me!).
It starts with a very catchy tune, and then has a series of trancy electro hypnotic noodlers. At times it feels like it shifts gears mid-song, giving you the impression that within the sparsely arranged floaty synth arrangements, some kind of mysterious mechanical process causes the gears of real rock pop drums, guitars, and piano to spontaneously engage with the electric engine to give it an extra kick along for a spell.
(With all this wordy business, I'm going for it today aren't I!?!!!)
But it's this shift in pace and sense of space contracting and expanding that is the overriding feel of the movement of the album from it's beginning to it's end...
Not like a narrative arc or structure you might find in the sequencing of other albums' songs, but it floats, it kicks up a gear and bashes along a bit, drops down, opens out and floats a while, and then contracts... pulling in tighter – occasionally seeming almost to come to a halt altogether, not just to introduce a new song, but to consciously offer a little rest to the listener... before tooling off again with purpose, then...
Full of great synth and vocal hooks, interspersed through spangly digital dangles of musical chandeliers with blooms of olde worlde pop-rock (kind of Stranglers style it seem'd to me, in this regard) with introspective and poignant songs.
Overall, a lovely place for your ears to be, when not otherwise engaged in alternative business of the head.
Finally, the coloured vinyl sounds great to me, picking out the detail of the more “barely there” moments, and silent in the empty parts... taught mids, and sinewy low end too.
I've seen a few copies of Telekon around, and always meant to get around to buying one, but was very happy to find that when I got this home, that it was a Netherlands issue, and that it had the orange vinyl inside...
...Even happier to discover that these issues (The coloured vinyls, not the black Netherlands issue), are quite rare, and very sought after.
It may be a source of confusion though too, as RRPG only lists the UK issue of this as a "Mispressed" Red vinyl (Their quotes), which makes me wonder if many have been advertised or sold as such, but are in fact these red variant issues... or are indeed Red vinyl mispressed UK issues.
To complicate matters further, the sleeve for this is printed in England, suggesting that if it is a Netherlands export issue, they would either have printed all the sleeves here in the UK, and shipped them to Holland to receive the vinyls, then be sent back (Not very efficient, or the simpler explanation, that the vinyls were pressed there and sent over here to be paired with sleeves.
(But why the different cat# to the UK... indeed, why bother importing them here at all if we have our own issue, and if not able to press the coloured vinyls here, then simply slap our own labels on the discs as they arrive?)
I would rather think therefore, that this is simply a straight Netherlands issue, who's coloured vinyls the UK customers wanted, and just had them brought over (as opposed to being actually intended for export to UK from the outset.