Ha Ha! The free CD eventually turns up so I've scanned it and added it to this set of scans which is now complete. MODS you can feel free to move the image wherever you may feel it is most appropriate. It looks OK as is if you want my two bobs worth.
About a year ago I had rather lazily pretended to own the European copy of this when in fact I have the USA release but finally got round to scanning it up and entering it today. This version differs from the US version in that it didn't come with a press release. I have misplaced, lost or given away the CD but check out gregs78s linked release below if you want to see what it looks like as mine was identical. I agree wholeheartedly with the review of the album by gregs78s and have thrashed this album over the past year or so and rate it in the upper echelon of Bowie's canon.