robozuc 15th Sep 2024
| | Original "Notes" and "Comment" by member "OrionsRecordCollection1998" about a later reissue of this album:
Barcode: 79016856910
Matrix numbers:
Side 1: S 6817
Side 2: S 6818
Reissue of the third installment of the Pebbles compilation series.
Side 1 Track 6 was taken from an album (How To Blow Your Mind And Have A Freak-Out Party) by The Unfolding. The song in question is titled "Prama." The duration of it is actually supposed to be longer (5:29) but only plays the first few minutes of it (1:40) and fades out. However, the cover and label lists it as "Bonus Track" (no artist listed for it either.)
During halfway through "Prama" up until the end of "The Reality Of (Air) Fried Borsk" has an echoing effect throughout those tracks, which originally wasn't supposed to be there. Might be due to technical issues when the compilation was being mastered.
Like the original release, the track "Horror Asparagus Stories" is missing from the release, despite it being mentioned on the cover, liner notes and labels.
Just some slightly minor notes about the compilation.
Teddy & His Patches are credited as "Teddy and the Patches" on the front cover.
All of the songs tracks are monaural except Prama by The Unfolding (aka "Bonus Track") which is in stereo. How To Blow Your Mind And Have A Freak-Out Party (the album where Prama was taken from) was released in both mono and stereo formats.
Dom Kallar Oss Mods is Swedish for They Call Us Mods, which also appeared in the film of the same name. |
edlongus SUBS 30th Sep 2022
| | Uhm - - Thanx, ZackMcBuick 4 the Side 2 label scan!! ☺ |
W.B.lbl 30th Sep 2022
| | Apparently, Rainbo of Santa Monica pressed this (based on the S numbers) and the label fonts were from ALCO Research & Engineering of Los Angeles.
As for "Dacron, Ohio" - I remember that well, that was lifted from National Lampoon's 1978 Sunday newspaper parody, the Dacron Republican-Democrat. |
ppint. ● 29th Sep 2022
| | lee wrecker: thank-you; i did not know even 1% of this.
so; ''bootleg, usa'' would be accurate - and give lpcatters and browsers more information than just ''bootleg'' - yes? |
Lee Wrecker 29th Sep 2022
| | Hello ppint, the hallmarks of a bootleg are over this, there is no publishing, licensing or copyright information on any of the individual tracks. The addresses given are all artificial but funny "Dacron, Ohio" and "Kookaburra, Australia" they're designed to entertain as well as disguise the origin of the product. Why?
Well, it's because the entire "Pebbles" series are primarily sourced from needle drops this is why the liner notes mention that "many if not all the records included" were run through an equalisation and noise reduction process. I have three of the series and know that pops, crackles and even minor skips are apparent on some tracks. In that sense these releases have lot in common with this https://www.45worlds.com/vinyl/album/vj1092&rc=107014#107014 release by the Beatles which is listed as a bootleg on this site in that they are unofficial re-releases of official recordings. The other site lists the label as unofficial and these records were primarily made for collectors of 60's garage music. Many of the titles sourced on these compilations had been long out of print or minor regional hits so the market for these LPs was specialist collectors of the genre.
It is also worth noting that in the late 70s when this series appeared that U.S. authorities were having a crackdown on bootleggers. I'm guessing BFD used the Australian address as a red herring to throw investigators of the scent in case these records were confiscated by authorities.
So, where do they come from? Answer, California the global epicentre of bootlegging around that time. Who was responsible? Answer, Greg Shaw the owner of the legitimate Bomp! label. Shaw was always about making under appreciated artists work available and this series was a way of doing that and as the liner notes show he obviously had a sense of humour too.
So, in answer to your question none of BFD's releases are legitimate. The label should be listed as a bootleg label and consigned to no fixed address like the other big Californian bootleg labels of the time The Amazing Kornyfone Record Label and Trade Mark of Quality. |
ppint. ● 29th Sep 2022
| | lee wrecker: yr hmbl srppnt.'d suggest - if it can be established bfd are (or were) strine, that all their bootleg releases°° *ought* to be flagged ''australian'', and then the point that they're bootleg be stated in the notes: section.
doing this will provide lpcatters and casual browsers with more information than the brick wall of country-flagging them ''bootleg''°. . .
° - unless someone - some lpcatter? - has managed to get away with establishing the country of ''bootleggia'', unnoticed by everyone, secretly affiliated it to the united nations as a secret country to be revealed to no-one at all, upon pain of vlad-the-impaler poutinisation with extreme prejudice, yet receiving credit & debit card payments and providing the monopoly service for this planet of fulfilling orders for the entirety of all bootleg vinyl, cds, dvds, bound books, etc. currently available at any given time. . .
°° - are none of bfd's releases legitimate - ? |
Lee Wrecker 28th Sep 2022
| | The BFD label is a bootleg label that unofficially released the entire Pebbles series. There is no doubt that all of these releases are illegal. The address for the label is given as "Kookaburra, Australia 2157" on the back cover but this place of course does not exist. Should we change the country to Australia based on this? I don't know but site protocols are to list details as presented on the product.
So, this gives us a few problems and decisions to make. Should we list these as bootlegs because they are and if not should we change to the country to Australia given that the whole series uses an Australian address although it's fake and most likely used to hide the real origin of this series? |
ZackMcBuick SUBS 27th Sep 2022
| | In error… I can add the Side 2 at any time to this the second label variety. The duplicate entry should be deleted ASAP |
edlongus SUBS 23rd Sep 2022
| | Respectfully, ZackMcBuick currently has the Side 1 image posted twice. |
OrionsRecordCollection1998 5th Jun 2019
| | Just some slightly minor notes about the compilation.
Teddy & His Patches are credited as "Teddy and the Patches" on the front cover.
All of the songs tracks are monaural except Prama by The Unfolding (aka "Bonus Track") which is in stereo. How To Blow Your Mind And Have A Freak-Out Party (the album where Prama was taken from) was released in both mono and stereo formats.
Dom Kallar Oss Mods is Swedish for They Call Us Mods, which also appeared in the film of the same name. |
janiejjones 10th Mar 2015
| | Track B8 is missing
Deadwax (etched)
One: S 6817
Two: S 6818 |