Passed by this record 3 weeks in a row at the Salvation Army thinking it was a children’s record, until I realized it said ‘The McCoys’ on the cover. Great album, very glad I got it.
Sorry, I was wrong, and now I have to go have a word with the Sony rep who came on the air with me in 1995 and told me (and the audience) that apparent fabrication.
Wikipedia says it was on the 1970 Bang various artists compilation "Bang & Shout Super Hits" (BLPS-220), but the article makes no mention of a 1967 appearance.
The version with the extra verse was discovered in the vaults when the McCoys' recordings were being remastered for CD in the 1990s. So it was never issued on vinyl. It's on just about any McCoys CD released since then. Look for a running time of 3:53, give or take.