Also exported to Russia.
Exists with both plain white and faux leather style covers.
dr.pepper1952 ● 1st May 2015
| | + more Labels |
nicoldo64 19th Oct 2013
| | Rear cover Uploaded By: An6y66 English+Bulgarian language.
Label-Russian language. |
nicoldo64 19th Oct 2013
| | Added options for labels. |
nicoldo64 19th Oct 2013
| | Supposedly, Balkanton initially printed brown sleeves . And it seems that for manufacturing of these sleeves the company used a copy of the original UK gatefold sleeve, where all golden text on the back side was well retouched and tracklists in Bulgarian and in English were printed by the characters of the same color, but of larger size. By some reasons all text in yellow was left intact: "PCSP 721" (original catalogue number listed at the lower part of the spine), "Available on tape" and "Made and printed in Great Britain" (at the lower part of the back side). Later they were also retouched, but this time it was done not so accurately – some copies of Bulgarian sleeves clearly (or not very clearly) show marks of this job.
In most cases gatefold sleeves of LPs sold in the Soviet Union had a handwritten shop's price 8 rub.
A part of the printing run of this double album was released by Bulgarian Balkanton company especially for the export to the Soviet Union – labels of such records show text in Russian language.
The band's name on Russian-language labels is stated the same way as on Bulgarian-language labels – БИТЪЛС or БИТЬЛС (on more late editions). Actually, the band's name in Russian should be spelled as БИТЛЗ.
Russian-language labels show the album title as ЛЮБОВНЫЕ ПЕСНИ. From the viewpoint of Russian language stylistics more correct title is ПЕСНИ О ЛЮБВИ. |
An6y66 18th Oct 2013
| | You could put the BTA 1141/42 in the notes so they shows in a search ? |
nboldock 18th Oct 2013
| | I think it is fine as it is, as a search will find either number. |
An6y66 18th Oct 2013
| | I think the way the cat no is shown now is the best way. |
lorangrecords SUBS 17th Oct 2013
| | I think I now can agree with the Export LP,.
A made the UK rel. primary until the US rel. shows up, because the US rel. was rel. first.
Also a question about the cat# and the 2nd LP as shadow cat#. Shadow cat# are to add variations or other cat#'s for the same rel.
This is just the cat# for the 2nd LP, and has to be added otherwise. Fo.ex. as seen on the back cover or the whole cat# separated with a slash. |
An6y66 17th Oct 2013
| | Its definitely export or the labels and the sleeve would be the same language. |
TopPopper 17th Oct 2013
| | I have an unrelated Balkanton LP in three editions - one with Bulgarian titles on the back, one with Bulgarian and English, and one with Bulgarian and Russian. They guy who sent me them lives in Moscow, and seemed to think that the ones with English and Russian were pressed for export, with the Bulgarian-only edition intended for domestic sales. I believe that to bet he case - makes sense - and quite possibly applies here too. This could be their UK or Western Europe export edition. |
An6y66 17th Oct 2013
| | see here this is the best Russian Beatles discography I have found. If you scroll past the hundreds of pictures he explained that this was definitely sold in Russia. The bottom right of the sleeve shown agrees with what the author says about the price being 8 roubles as well. |
lorangrecords SUBS 16th Oct 2013
| | The translated track titles on the back cover are in Bulgarian I will say.
What's on the label is hard to say, but I don't think it's Russian. |
An6y66 2nd Oct 2013
| | Inner gatefold images added along with the back cover with english text at the top and translated titles at the bottom. Also, as they appear to have copied the layout directly from the UK copy, the EMI parlophone credits in the bottom left corner |
An6y66 2nd Oct 2013
| | I will get onto it asap.
Also the reason this cover was in white not the usual leather style of the UK edition, is that the text on the back was written in a shade of yellow/orange that couldn't be easily read against the brown background |
lorangrecords SUBS 2nd Oct 2013
| | I agrre with this, but where is the scanned back cover?
It would be interesting to see it. |
nboldock 30th Sep 2013
| | Right, then it stays as Bulgaria.
Edited the Notes.
N |
An6y66 30th Sep 2013
| | my understanding is that this was made and sold in bulgaria, however it was also sold in russia. When I upload the scanned the back cover you can see that the writing on the back of the track listing is in a different language to that on the labels. the labels are written in bulgarian and I believe the russian translations for them were added to the back cover as the album was sold in/exported to Russia. |
nboldock 30th Sep 2013
| | Maybe it was sold in many countries in the eastern Europe, and then LP Export is an easier solution?
If this is the case then yes, absolutely. |
nboldock 30th Sep 2013
| | On 45Worlds (and indeed 45Cat) the object is to align with the country of release wherever possible.
There will be exceptions to that, for example where it would cause confusion to do so.
If a Beatles LP was pressed SOLELY for release in the US, then it should indeed be in the USA list regardless of where it was manufactured. It may however be sensible to also list it as a UK export issue to avoid any issues and to avoid deleting/re-entering/deleting over and over again (as not all users would realise, while looking for it, that it was an Export Issue).
An6y66 30th Sep 2013
| | Surely the country it was made in is what it should be. Do the English Beatles LPs that were exported appear in the USA list? |
lorangrecords SUBS 30th Sep 2013
| | Maybe it was sold in many countries in the eastern Europe, and then LP Export is an easier solution? |
lorangrecords SUBS 30th Sep 2013
| | 1977 makes it Soviet of course. |
nboldock 30th Sep 2013
| | Agreed, if this was solely for export to USSR then we should have it shown as a Soviet release.
lorangrecords SUBS 30th Sep 2013
| | Wasn't many records pressed in Belarus and Poland and shipped to Russia and sold there.
The intendent market is in that case Russia, and the country shall be changed to Russia instead.
Any comments to that, please. |
An6y66 27th Sep 2013
| | Also comes on orange labels |