Identifying codes:
Label Side A: CI CBS 25521-1L
Label Side B: CI CBS 25521-2L
Matrix/Runout Side A: CI 25521-1L-12-10-83-DD-[cgd logo] OOX Ⅱ ✳
Matrix/Runout Side B: CI 25521-2L-12-10-83-DD-[cgd logo] Ⅱ OO✳ ✳
Rights Society: SIAE
Paul Young:
I'd like to thank first ad most of all:
Demented Pixie, Guru, and Musical Director Extraordinaire, The Reverend IAN KEWLEY; obx, emulator, marimbas, bells, vocal(!), vocoder, piano and no hammond!, atmospherics and spiritual guidance
P.C. MARK "Hold Steady" PINDER; drums, simmons kit, TR808, clay pots, sauce pans, cow-bells. And we'll stop here
STEVE BOLTON; guitar, lap steel and piano doodlings
PINO PALADINO; bass guitar on all except 'Love Will Tear Us Apart', 'Iron Out The Rough Spots' and 'Love Of The Common People'. Pino also played the stick on 'Broken Man'
Inspector MATT IRVING; bass on the three tracks mentioned above; also: arp, guitar, vocals, roland Mc 4, and two pounds for a good time
KIM LESLIE and MAZ 'Eddie' ROBERTS - The Fabulous Wealthy Tarts - Scat 'n Singing
Kim also plays congas on 'Sex'
RICO: trombone on 'Love Of The Common People' and 'Tender Trap'
DAGMAR: vocal on 'Love Will Tear Us Apart'
E.T. Rommel LATHAM played the desk
EYETHU; vocals on 'No Parlez'. They are Ntobi Lekau, Nimsa Calliza, Wally Loate, Chief Dawethi, Fats Mogoboya, Norman Zulu, Zundi Lekau and Jabu Mbalo
'Broken Man' - IAN-emulator
PINO - the stick bass
ME; guitar on 'Come Back And Stay'
Recorded at the Workhouse Studios, London
All arrangements by PAUL, IAN and LAURIE
Extra special badge of merit to IAN for strings
Mastered by TIM YOUNG at CBS Studios
All Photos - ERIC WATSON
Sleeve - J.B. on behalf of H.M.S.S.
Management - GED DOHERTY, 25, Denmark Street, London WC2
Agency - JOHN GIDDINGS, TBA International
Legal Whizardry - ALEXIS GROWER
Court Jester by royal appointment - MARTIN SERENE
Extra special thanks to everyone at CBS