Vinyl Album A1 Loredana Berte' ...E La Luna Bussò Lavezzi, Avogadro, D. Pace Rate A2 Loredana Berte' Robin Hood Lavezzi, Avogadro, D. Pace Rate A3 Loredana Berte' Peccati Trasparenti Dattoli, Avogadro Rate A4 Loredana Berte' Colombo Graziani, De Rosa Rate B1 Loredana Berte' Prendi Fra Le Mani La Testa Battisti, Mogol Rate B2 Loredana Berte' Folle Città Radius, Avogadro Rate B3 Loredana Berte' Agguato A Casablanca Amali, Di Stefani, Avogadro Rate B4 Loredana Berte' Dedicato I. Fossati Rate B5 Loredana Berte' Macchina Del Tempo Battisti, Mogol Rate
Notes ℗ 1979 CGD
Manufactured and distributed by CGD Messaggerie Musicali spa, Via Quintiliano, 40. Milan 1979.
Made in Italy by CGD Messaggerie Musicali Spa
Pressed by CGD Pressing Plant
Arrangements: Anthony Rutherford Mimms - Mario Lavezzi
Production: Mario Lavezzi
Art Director: Luciano Tallarini
Graphic: Gianni Ronco
Recorded in April 1979 at East Lake "Il Mulino" Studios in Milan
Sound Engineer: Piero Bravin
Transfert: Marco Inzadi
Identifying codes:
Label Side A: 2c 20158-1L
Label Side B: 2c 20158-2L
Matrix/Runout Side A: 2C 20158-1L [cgd logo] 29.5.79 Inzadi ∆∆∆ ✳✳✳
Matrix/Runout Side B: 2C 20158-2L [cgd logo] 29.5.79 Inzadi ∆∆∆ ✳✳✳
Rights Society: SIAE
Images Comments and Reviews cupparober 26th Jan 2021 Track A1:
Bass: Bob Callero
Drums: Walter Calloni
Timbales: Walter Martino
Keyboards: Stefano Pulga
Guitar: Mario Lavezzi
Background vocals: Lalla, Eloisa, Arturo Zitelli, Loredana Bertè
Track A2:
Bass: Julius Farmer
Drums: Walter Calloni
Percussion: Walter Martino
Keyboards: Stefano Pulga
Guitar: Mario Lavezzi
Guitar: Claudio Bazzari
Background vocals: Lalla, Eloisa, Arturo Zitelli, Loredana Bertè
Track A3:
Bass: Bob Callero
Drums: Walter Calloni
Keyboards: Stefano Pulga
Guitar: Mario Lavezzi
Sax: Giorgio Baiocco
Track A4:
Bass: Bob Callero
Drums: Walter Calloni
Keyboards: Stefano Pulga
Tambourine: Walter Martino
Guitar: Claudio Bazzari
Guitar: Mario Lavezzi
Sax: Giorgio Baiocco
Background vocals: Lalla, Eloisa, Arturo Zitelli, Loredana Bertè
Track B1:
Bass: Bob Callero
Drums: Walter Martino
Timbales: Walter Calloni
Keyboards and synthesizer: Stefano Pulga
Guitar: Mario Lavezzi
Guitar: Claudio Bazzari
Background vocals: Lalla, Eloisa, Arturo Zitelli, Loredana Bertè
Track B2:
Bass: Bob Callero
Drums: Walter Martino
Piano, Arp Oberheim: Stefano Pulga
Arp effects: Gaetano Leandro
Guitar: Mario Lavezzi
Track B3:
Bass: Julius Farmer
Drums: Walter Calloni
Keyboards: Stefano Pulga
Guitar: Mario Lavezzi
Guitar: Claudio Bazzari
Track B4:
Bass: Bob Callero
Drums: Gianni Dall'Aglio
Guitar: Ivano Fossati
Keyboards: Stefano Pulga
Track B5:
Bass: Massimo Spinosa
Drums: Walter Calloni
Keyboards: Stefano Pulga
Guitar: Mario Lavezzi
Background vocals: Lalla, Eloisa, Arturo Zitelli, Loredana Bertè
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See Also
Vinyl Album
Loredana Berte' - Dedicato - Record Bazaar - Italy (1979)
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Vinyl Album
Loredana Berte' - Un Po' Di Me - Record Bazaar - Italy (1978)
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Vinyl Album
I Pooh - Viva - CGD - Italy (1979)
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Alberto Radius - America Good-Bye - CGD - Italy (1979)
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Loredana Bertè - Bandabertè - CGD East West - Italy (1997)
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