I don't know what you mean by "not known". I saw this record a lot when it first came out! If you look through used records store bins under his name, you'll find this Dickie Goodman album WAY more than any others he did. "Mr. Jaws" was his biggest hit and all you have to do is look it up on YouTube to see that most people think it's his only record! It must be posted there DOZENS of times and parodied at least half a dozen times over the decades! I've even seen a parody of it performed live at the local Furries convention 8 years ago!
The year before this album came out, IX Chains practically released the exact same album.
ReviewThis is a compilation record of all of Dickie Goidman's hits; Mr. Jaws, The Energy Crisis, Superfly Meets Shaft & The Flying Saucer. These singles were super hits, but the album was not known. It's a must have for all serious Rock & Roll fans. :)