Produced by Bob Johnston
(A1, A5 and B4 produced by Tom Wilson, uncredited)
-- original front covers have no song titles, have back covers with track A6 as "Angie", credited to B. Jansch on label. Art Garfunkel holds a Tiger Beat, bottom box holds no song titles or running times.
-- Second front covers have song titles ("Anji"), have back covers with track A6 as "Angie", credited to B. Jansch on label. Art Garfunkel holds a Tiger Beat, bottom box holds song titles with running times.
-- Third front covers have song titles ("Anji"), have back covers with track A6 as "Anji", credited to D. Graham on label. Art Garfunkel holds no Tiger Beat, bottom box holds song titles with running times.
Added images of a later label with the yellow "columbia" around the outside. Also added the cover for this pressing which came with a sticker promoting the lead title's use in "The Graduate".
Revised the notes to reflect the cover/label changes, I'm sure there is some label - cover overlap, but I tried to make some sense out of it (changed mono notes also)....John
With acknowledgement to Trainman, added back cover with Tiger Beat mag air brushed out of picture and label with track A6 having the correct spelling of Anji instead of Angie and correct composer name.
The label variant {Images #590355 & 590356} point to a 1968-70 pressing. Original pressings would have been on uncoated warm red background - and "NONBREAKABLE" below the cat. # at left.
I would have never noticed the details I noted until I noticed the UK release posted has one additional track on side 2, so I went to Discogs and found "81" different variations on this album. I thought I was looking at a Beatles or Elvis record!