Magic Marmalade 27th Jan 2016
| | ReviewDon't be fooled by this...
..It's nowhere near as cool as the cover might lead you to believe!
To look at it, you'd think it was a super-cool jazz-blues album that could sit on the shelf alongside Coltrane or the like... with blues too!
But actually it's surreal schloppy supermarket music.
The best way to describe it is to say, firstly, there ain't no Blues here (It's altogether too jaunty for that), and then to say that if fairgrounds had elevators, this is what would be playing in them.
It's big bland - sorry - band (nope, right the first time I think) brass crap, with... and get this... a Wurlitzer cinema style organ soloist over the top!
It makes you feel uneasy.
... has someone spiked my tea with LSD?
......................... have I descended into some fun-fair theme park themed hell?
It gets so it's difficult to say. It's either music to kill zombies by (circa. late sixties style), or it might be an alternate soundtrack for Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas... in the darker, trippier parts.
It's the same stuff they churned out on these labels all the time then, but with that tormenting Wurlitzer jabbing it's finger on your frontal cortex all the time.
It might raise a smile if you were to play it in a coffee shop for a minute or two, but after that, your customers will be leaving fragments of their fingernails in the door frame as they attempt to claw their way out of the nearest exit....
...... "For the Love OF GOD... Let Me Outta Here!!!!"
It's a shame, because, as I said, the cover is great, and the vinyl is one of those "Cut the end off an oil drum" beasts, that's super stiff, and got to be pushing past 180g.
(I think they didn't have quite enough vinyl to make two records out of it, but too much for one, but just decided to make it one record for the hell of it)
((This was one of my Dad's old records that I 'rescued'.... After listening to it the other day, I showed it to him, just pointing at it... I said nothing, but he was laughing already when he saw it under my arm))
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