The 1980/81 DJM 220... series ditched the original last three DJLP digit for consecutive numbers preceded by the Lady Samantha budget price compilation charting in March 1980. DJM 22085.
There have been 4 (or more since vinyl revival) distinct issues of the Elton vinyl cataogue.
First the DJLP originals.
Second the DJH 20... reissues from 1977. Note Greatest Hits Vol II only commenced in this series.
Third the DJM 22 (get it - 2too or twenty...times two) which Mr Hounsome in Rock Record 4, and I am happy to agree, date to 1981.
Fourth the PRICELESS series from '83 (1) '84 (4) and '87 (8 more), which related to, but not neccssarily coincided with the first CD releases.
So, umbria, as seen in various other places (e.g. the US MCA reissues), stickers for subsequent series regularly placed on earlier sleeves. Possibly not all versions on new vinyl/ labels, maybe stickers only placed on sleeves still holding earlier vinyl!!
All of these do though deserve their own entry, and I for one am willing to pursue the day. Great place to do it, and convince me to sort my incomplete sets.
DJH 20427 does not have the Pye Distribution info on the inside cover and is as The Judge states a later issue (re-issue?). I think it could do with its own entry and I will scan the sleeves etc. and create one in the coming days.
I wonder if DJH20427 dates from after DJM's distribution switched from Pye to CBS? When that happened, back-list singles still on the 'live' catalogue were re-issued with a prefix to the original number. Like here, for instance, which was a re-issue of DJS 388.
Perhaps for LPs, the prefix was '20', so that DJLPH 427 would become DJH 20427?
My DJM 22091 version is in non gatefold sleeve which has Cat No# DJH 20427 on the spine and a sticker over that number on the sleeve with the number that appears on the label. The inner sleeve is a picture/lyric version.