I don't think they're all double albums (see DULP 10). I've just incorporated Soccer Records within the Ulster label, which is a bit odd because it is a Scottish football double LP. Then again, it's Glasgow which is a bit of an extension of Northern Ireland if you know the history of the two football clubs found there.
Bearing in mind that almost all of the records on the back of the sleeve are on the Outlet label, we're no' doin' bad!
I see on the back of the sleeve, the Outlet label mostly but there are also the other sub-labels of Praise (we already have many of those) and Homespun. The latter label had well over a hundred LPs so we have some way to go but we've already made a good start.
Looking at the back of the sleeve we have a fair way to go regarding releases on this label.
This release is odd in that it is part of the double album catalogue sequence but is a single album.