Previous issue on Capitol in UK as EST-12018, the catalogue number exists here as the matrix number EST1(side A) or EST2(side B) ahead of the number.
ppint. 16th Jul 2015
| | neil forbes: if you've not read the story, you've a treat in store... |
Record Collector-45worlds 16th Jul 2015
| | A1,A3,B2 single releases |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 16th Jul 2015
| | @ppint, I think you might be over-analysing this a bit. I only ever referred to "keyboard gremlins" in a joking fashion, tongue-in-cheek, as it were. I picked up on the Gremlins idea after seeing a 1940s-vintage Warners Bugs Bunny cartoon. That gave me the idea for my own slant for when typing anything on a computer(or old typewriter) keyboard, a slip of the finger to hit the wrong letter key and.....whoops! Keyboard Gremlins! |
ppint. 16th Jul 2015
| | neil forbes: if you've read the (wwII) war-time story that originally introduced the gremlins to the general public (they originated in, or at least with, the raf), you'll know that they could, occasionally - and probably mostly, but not always, inadvertently - be helpful.
- i have never known either tablettything's auto-mis-correct-after-you've-left-the-completed-word bu^W feature prove helpful, and am possessed of Serious Doubts° that it could ever so be.°°
° - cf. "this may prove to have opened a Serious Door..."
°° - ic(oc)bw-it:b"ykdwian". |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 13th Jul 2015
| | Ah, ppint, just put it all down to "keyboard gremlins" That's generally who(or what) I blame for keystroke misadventures! And RC, nice pun! But it won't "hang" around too long! |
Record Collector-45worlds 13th Jul 2015
| | Wow we are really "Hooked" on this album |
ppint. 13th Jul 2015
| | - *g* i can usually catch auto-mis-corrections made as i type words: it's auto-mis-corrections-after-i've-left-a-words that're liable to have fatal effect.
(- these may actually be made as the wppser leaves the word; i don't get to see it happen, more or less by definition and/or the effects of <return>ing down to a new para, or paging down to a <submit> button. - and it's these last, as afford real scope for originality on the part(s) of the tablettythings. . .) |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 12th Jul 2015
| | ppint wrote: "nf: both my 7" medion (= aldi) & 10.1" goclever (= idealworld) tablettythings have an auto-mis-correct bu^W feature, and also an inspired (i think that's the word) "auto-mis-correct-after-you've-left-a-completed-word" feature, none of which works in a way that is consistent with the manner in which any of the other three functions in detail - nor necessarily on the same or even similar occasions."
Er... huh? Auto-Mis-Correct?.... Ay-ay-ay! Now I'm really scared! Run for the hills everybody, it's the attack of the "Tablettythings!" AAAAArrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!! |
ppint. 12th Jul 2015
| | nf: both my 7" medion (= aldi) & 10.1" goclever (= idealworld) tablettythings have an auto-mis-correct bu^W feature, and also an inspired (i think that's the word) "auto-mis-correct-after-you've-left-a-completed-word" feature, none of which works in a way that is consistent with the manner in which any of the other three functions in detail - nor necessarily on the same or even similar occasions. |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 10th Jul 2015
| | An intuitive keyboard! AAAAaaaaarrrrrgggghhhh! That's a-a-a sc-sc-scary th-th-thought, RC! |
Record Collector-45worlds 10th Jul 2015
| | No Neil my keyboard has a built in dictionary it knows what word I'm going to type just by typing one letter |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 10th Jul 2015
| | Keyboard gremlins, RC, keyboard gremlins! That where you put the blame! ha-ha! |
Record Collector-45worlds 10th Jul 2015
| | Oops sorry my keypad got there before me lol |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 10th Jul 2015
| | RC, I think your finger slipped on the keyboard, there! That would've, or should've been AX-4586. |
Record Collector-45worlds 10th Jul 2015
| | Australian issue as AZ 4586 |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 10th Jul 2015
| | @Graham7, I have another method for the purpose of removing the black from the spindle hole, I'll use it for further uploads. Glad you liked the new label scans, though! |
Magic Marmalade 9th Jul 2015
| | Phew... thanks Graham, for a moment there I thought it was another label variation to contend with!
....I don't have any space for new columns!!!! |
Graham7 9th Jul 2015
| | Thank you Neil, much better, I've removed the blurry ones as requested.
One tip though; you could put a bit of white paper behind the spindle hole so it matches the normal 45worlds style. I place a plain white inner sleeve on the record, and then weigh down the label with whatever is at hand. |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 9th Jul 2015
| | I've added improved label scans as Graham7 has requested. much sharper, ay? Found a trick, place a spindle of blank(or used) DVDs or CDs on the record as you scan. the weight presses the record label against the glass bed of the scanner. Mod, if you could please remove old label scans? Cheers! Thanks! |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 5th Jul 2015
| | Axis was(as far as I'm aware) an Australia/New Zealand EMI label. Not sure if EMI is keeping it going. Fame and MFP are, or were, for all campers and marine mammals(all in tents and porpoises - all intents and purposes) British EMI budget labels. MFP disappeared off the radar here in Australia many moons ago but when they were active, they had effectively divorced themselves from EMI Australia by issuing content sourced from CBS and other companies as early as 1970. |
Magic Marmalade 5th Jul 2015
| | Was the axis previous to this?
ppint: I'm beginning to feel married to the Fame label! |
Record Collector-45worlds 5th Jul 2015
| | Actually this was reissued on axis |
ppint. 5th Jul 2015
| | manic marmalade: - and so's your wife - ? |
Magic Marmalade 4th Jul 2015
| | On the contrary ppint:
I am Everybody! |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 4th Jul 2015
| | @Graham7, I'll have another go during the week but the problem is the same(in a way) to scanning 78s. There's a raised edge around the sides and ends of the scanner's glass "bed" and 78s, rigid as they are, and LPs rest on this raised edge so the focus isn't exactly the best. The lid of the scanner isn't heavy so it doesn't press the LP label down onto the glass "bed" surface. |
ppint. 4th Jul 2015
| | manic marmalade: "i am nobody" (- ?) |
Graham7 3rd Jul 2015
| | Axis does seem to be a (pre Fame) separation from Music For Pleasure.
e.g. Animals - The Most Of AXIS6004 which was on
Music For Pleasure (MFP 5218) in UK.
Neil, great cover images, but could you please have another go at the labels?
I'm blurry enough as it is. |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 3rd Jul 2015
| | But Axis predates Fame by more than a decade, even with its late-70s makeover. |
Record Collector-45worlds 3rd Jul 2015
| | Fame to the UK what axis is to Australia |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 3rd Jul 2015
| | MM, Ass see what you mean! |
Magic Marmalade 3rd Jul 2015
| | And this label is a pig!
Hee-haw! |
Record Collector-45worlds 3rd Jul 2015
| | A2 scratch out in replace it with over after that comment lol |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 3rd Jul 2015
| | MM, that cat must think he's a cow!(no bull!) Ha-ha! |
Magic Marmalade 3rd Jul 2015
| | Thanks for corrections Graham7.
No problem Neil... just don't look too closely at any of my entries - I think I may have accidentally put the launch codes to the US nuclear arsenal in one somewhere! - still never mind, nobody will look at the Springfields Island Of Dreams anyway (Doh!) |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 3rd Jul 2015
| | MM, your correction just kicked in! Cheers! As I said, my mistake(inverting the 2 and 1) was the fault of those darned keyboard gremlins!(oooh if I ever get my hands on one of those little buggers....) Ha-ha! |
Magic Marmalade 3rd Jul 2015
| | It's all un-educated guess work at the moment... so yours was as good a guess as anyone's!
(corrections submitted)
The cat says: "Moooooooo" |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 3rd Jul 2015
| | Just saw my mistake re: cat(mieeow) number - Keyboard gremlins strike again! Thanks for the corrections, MM! My estimation of 1980 was a guess which was clearly way off beam. |
Magic Marmalade 3rd Jul 2015
| | I will submit a correction if that's Ok Neil?
The label was founded in 1982, and this cat falls within that year.
(and you've got yer cat number wrong way round : should be 3012 - sorry to be a nerdist!) |
Magic Marmalade 3rd Jul 2015
| | Much obliged Neil.
I've deduced that these very first in sequence from fame had source label logos on (will have to see if label variants of this and others still carry them later) but the colour is giving me epic problems... some are white, some banana coloured like yours... some ebay listings show one label white in close up, but banana coloured from further away!
So I'm in doubt as to whether some "White" ones actually exist (See: Marillion - Real To Real, where wehave banana labels and white), or if it is just a printing variation or a scanning issue. |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 3rd Jul 2015
| | B2 carried over from previous LP, "Pleasure & Pain". Not the first time Dr. Hook had done this. Their version of the Sam Cooke song, Only 16 appeared on the "Bankrupt" LP, then on "A Little Bit More". |
Record Collector-45worlds 3rd Jul 2015
| | A1,A3 and B2 single releases |
Neil Forbes-45worlds 3rd Jul 2015
| | Attention Magic Marmalade! Here's that album of Dr. Hook I mentioned. I put the publication year as tha is what's on the label, though it refers to the previous Capitol issue. At a guess, this Fame reissue may date from around mid-1980. Note the Capitol trademark where the EMI logo might normally be located. Hope this helps in cataloguing the Fame series. |