In fact there is a local Taiwanese language however in the 1960's it was actually banned [!] from all use - [schools, official and so on], and the simplified version of Chinese Mandarin was used instead.
Its highly unlikely you see genuine chinese Beatles records, considering the regime happily persecuted some 36 million people and killed possibly upto 1.5 million people for amongst other offences owning, listening or looking at anything connected to the Western bourgeois as enemies of Communism. This state of affairs continued until 1976 so way past the Beatles era.
I'm pretty sure it's from Taiwan. I don't believe there was ever a ban on Beatles records by the PRC, and I'll bet some Chinese Beatles records will turn up.
Certainly not South Korean. As carryonsidney says, the PRC would not have allowed such decadence to be released in their country. Taiwan is more likely, but I would think that Singapore has to be in with a shout as well.
唱片 = records or Disk, so the literal translation of the label name is "First Records". By the way Kab it *WILL* have had a sleeve, if following the pattern of the 2 I have it would be full colour, on flimsy paper with a tight fitting flimsy pvc cover, thin plain paper inner sleeve.
This is not Chinese, more likley to be Taiwan or Sth Korean? China was undergoing the Cultural revolution or about to when this came out. I have at least 2 other LPs on this label, Black Sabbath - Masters of Reality and Smokey Robinson & Miracles - hi we're the Miracles, the Miracles is listed on a few soul/ motown sites I'll try and find the link again.
This could be from Taiwan. I don't have a sleeve with it. I've had it for years and not sure where I got it from, but it was in a plain white 12" card sleeve