{Images #633955 & 633956}, based on the typesetting variables, looks like it could be from RCA Victor's Indianapolis, IN plant. (Rockaway, NJ pressings had the quotation marks far closer together.)
{Image #633527} was a pressing by Columbia Records' Pitman, NJ plant for customers of the Columbia Record Club; their layout for the sides was quite weird (especially the positioning of the cat. #, stereo designation and so on), likewise for their use of RCA Custom matrix numbers (as opposed to Columbia's Chicago-based XCSV 127### matrices).
Recorded at Hitsville U.S.A. Studios and Golden World Studios aka Studio B in Detroit. On "Why Did You Leave Me, Darling", the instrumental track was recorded at RCA's Music Center Of The World in Hollywood and the vocal overdubs were recorded at Golden World Studios in Detroit. That piece of information I got from producer Deke Richards.