Review1985, mid way through the decade that still doesn't get the recognition that it deserves in comparison to the 60s, 70s & 90s music scene.
The NOW albums were the ones to buy and led the way for other labels to follow. This album from the Warner's stable showcases some of their big hits from that year and is a reminder of what was good in the 1985 UK charts. OK this album contains a few tracks that were dodgy back in 1985 and others than haven't aged well (I'm thinking Shaky, Howard Jones, Dazz Band, Jim Diamond) but look what it does offer...
Pete Burns' Dead Or Alive (before he became a rubber lipped joke) with the defining 80s hit You Spin Me Around; there's the excellent Kirsty covering Billy Bragg, a track from Paul Young the 80s "blue eyed soul" boy; Prince (say no more); Chaka Khan giving it all on This Is My Night, a bit of rock with ZZ Top and even Mick Jagger singing one of his better solo outings. Add in a few pop hits from King, Strawberry Switchblade and Art Of Noise and you get an enjoyable listen.
Available now at lots of charity shops for just a few quid, this is a worthy addition to your collection if, like me, you like an eclectic mix on your shelves.