the second composer credit for track a3, ''new orleans'', is wrong, either a tyop or simple mistake: it should've been given on label as ''guida'', as the two composers were joseph royster and frank guida.
these tracks are the singles neil diamond recorded for bert berns' bang! records, new york; most of them were merkin hits - there are a couple of b-sides included - and were first released in the uk by decca on their london label (that was then widely known as the "london american" label), q.v..
they will either be mono tapes, re-channelled to give some semblance of stereo, actually still the mono mixes, or, just possibly, stereo recovered from the original tapes - but at least one of them ("do it") is ah, mono with the left-right balance varying wildly, more-or-less in time with the rhythm of the song!
i don't recall any being obviously crudely "mono rechannelled for stereo", which consisted of one channel being mono minus most of the treble, and t'other being mono with the treble boosted - sometimes, if you/we were lucky, the bass'd be boosted & cut reciprocally, for y/our increased listening pleasure. allegedly.
the joy record label was part of ed kassner's president records group.