It could be 1974, Phil I just used the two unreliable methods of "what it says on the tin" and Discogs so you may well be right and it may not have come out until 1974. Also, as this was his debut album and he would have been unknown to us at the time there could have been the traditional lag in release time here that kept import shops ticking over servicing the more "in the know" collectors in Australia.
I seem to remember that this took a little while to take off in Oz; both the single "The Show Must Go On" and the album entered the charts in February 1974 (18th & 25th respectively), but I think they might have been out sometime before that, so possibly still a late 1973 release.
Another one for the Wax Museum Festival File. I was quicker than I thought. Pity the cover and vinyl on this are completely trashed otherwise I would have kept this record by the little new Australian. Yes, that's right Leo Sayer is now one of us and no longer a Briton and I for one am very glad to have him among us. Unfortunately this record isn't in good enough shape to join my collection though and is another one for the tip I'm afraid.