I find this one a bit suspicious, as it appears on Discogs as a US release, again only with this front cover image, but this number is nothing like Capricorn's US numbers (which were in the form CP 0xxx when distributed by Warner Bros., with the prefix changing to CPN when they moved to Phonodisc/PolyGram during 1977). This cover image is shown in Hip-O Select's 4 CD set of Dobie's recordings, which gives the original catalogue number as 0188, supposedly released in 1976, but it didn't get a mention in any of the trades, nor the Schwann catalogue, so I doubt that it ever was released in the US (the title track was released on 45 in January 1977, with no mention of the album on the label). And not only does this catalogue number not resemble Capricorn's style, there doesn't seem to be any other LP in Discogs with the same style!
Recorded at Fame Studios, Muscle Shoals, Alabama
Horn arrangements: Harrison Calloway, Jr.
Guitar : Ken Bell, Pete Carr
Keyboards: Randy McCormick
Bass : Bob Wray, Jerry Bridges
Drums : Roger Clark, Howard E. Evans
Horns : Muscle Shoals Horns (Harrison Calloway, Jr. Harvey Thompson, Ronnie Eades, Dennis Goode)