Number:2328561 Uploaded By:SvendHenrik00 Description: Front Cover-MCA MUPS 361-JACKIE WILSON (I Get The Sweetest Feeling) UK 1969
Number:2328562 Uploaded By:SvendHenrik00 Description: Rear Cover-MCA MUPS 361-JACKIE WILSON (I Get The Sweetest Feeling) UK 1969
Number:2328563 Uploaded By:SvendHenrik00 Description: Liner Notes-MCA MUPS 361-JACKIE WILSON (I Get The Sweetest Feeling) UK 1969
Number:2328564 Uploaded By:SvendHenrik00 Description: '69' printed at bottom of Vinyl Cover-MCA MUPS 361-JACKIE WILSON (I Get The Sweetest Feeling) UK 1969
Added more clear Cover and Liner Notes by Ted Williams (Record World).
Record Label says: P=1968, but the UK Album was not published until April 1969 [scan of Vinyl Cover with '69' printed at bottom].
Since You Showed Me How To Be Happy - MONO single version, cut Loud's the real deal...from the drum roll intro we're in the saddle on a ride......
just listen to Jackies' vocal on this cut, rasping at times, but he means it, totally in charge with his vocal gymnastics, there'll never be another Jackie Wilson....
Since You Showed Me How To Be Happy - B5 stereo album version
....while beautifully performed by Jackie, this take just doesn't make the cut for me....sure the instrumentation is first rate with Carl Davis producing, and arranged by Sonny Sanders, but the vocal is just too lightweight.....I've posted the mono single cut here also and I will hope you hear the world of difference.....a performance I've loved for almost 52 years.....
The picture on the front cover (I bought the LP upon release in 1968 from memory, now corrected to early 1969) suddenly now reminds me of Olivia Hussey, the 16 year old actress who portrayed Juliet in the film "Romeo and Juliet" opposite Leonard Whiting as Romeo, from memory. (released 8 October 1968) <<<< LINKED >>>>
Yeah, I saw the film back in 68/69, had to take my then girlfriend Jill "Miss Romance" to see it....I've even got the DVD now.
The version of "Since You Showed Me How To Be Happy" on this album is a completely different vocal take to the issued 45, and is so less satisfying to my ears than the take put out on the single, of which I have both US and UK versions (the same take).
I cannot access my LP because it is in storage but maybe nickinstoke can confirm/deny my thought.
I did a search on youtube a while back, with no results, but now I've found the LP cut and will post both versions for the cognescenti to evaluate.