-- Second Issue of Lp with revised track order (Collectors note: This issue has a plethora of variations!)
---- first issue back cover lists track B1 as Please Please Me ...with no comma.
---- second issue back cover lists track B1 as Please,Please Me ...with a comma imposed and NO space.
(the second word Please is crooked/out of register). This is the most common variation of the three back covers.
---- third issue back cover lists track B1 as Please, Please Me ...with comma and proper
-- Labels (Oval and Brackets logo) can have Please, Please Me without and with a comma!
-- pressed with rainbow/oval logo, rainbow/bracket logo... (have also used 45rpm labels!), or many label variations on plain black background.
-- Labels (Oval and Brackets logo) can be printed without and with a comma in the track B1, Please, Please Me
-- Front cover may have sticker (after February 1964) stating inclusion of "Twist And Shout" and "Please, Please Me"
-- Release discontinued by February 1965.
side one - Δ6307
side two - Δ6307X
Number:1990006 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By:BEATLEJOHN Description: front cover
Number:536067 Uploaded By:caseellerbroek Description: FIRST ISSUE - Back cover PLEASE PLEASE ME with no comma.
Number:489122 Uploaded By:nicoldo64 Description: SECOND ISSUE back cover lists track B1 as Please,Please Me ...with a comma imposed and NO space. (the second word Please is crooked/out of register).
Number:2622397 Uploaded By:BEATLEJOHN Description: THIRD ISSUE back cover lists track B1 as Please, Please Me ...with comma and proper registration/justification
Number:661549 Uploaded By:Trainman Description: second alternate label, a side
Number:661551 Uploaded By:Trainman Description: second alternate label, b side
Number:1355799 Uploaded By:Bgray1 Edited By:Jace59 Description: Label side 1
Number:1355800 Uploaded By:Bgray1 Edited By:Jace59 Description: Label side 2
Number:1898314 Uploaded By:BandBox244 Description: Cash Box Mar 7, 1964
Number:2039511 Uploaded By:baldybeano Description: Red outlined inner 'ad sleeve' of early mono pressings.
Number:2039520 Uploaded By:baldybeano Description: Full color inner sleeve that some copies of the albums contained. Most copies had white blank inner sleeves.
Number:706214 HIDDEN Uploaded By:TheJudge Description: Front cover (from the image collection of Diognes_The_Fox)
Number:2474963 HIDDEN Uploaded By:BEATLEJOHN Description: THIRD ISSUE back cover lists track B1 as Please, Please Me ...with comma and proper registration/justification.
Number:3216353 HIDDEN Uploaded By:The Blues Breaker Description: Introducing The Beatles - Vee-Jay Records - Black Label - Side 1
Number:3216354 HIDDEN Uploaded By:The Blues Breaker Description: Introducing The Beatles - Vee-Jay Records - Black Label - Side 2
Though there are many to be uploaded!..This release quite easily has the most label variations of any record in the data-bank issued within a 12-month span....John
Added pic of red inner sleeve of my mono copy. According to the '"Introducing The Beatles" website about this album, I have an early mono copy, as typified by being in the red sleeve instead of the usual full-color ad sleeve or the more common generic white sleeve.
My copy is this is as follows... Rainbow label, oval logo, thin print (just like the one shown). It is also (as per the dead wax) a "Sheldon" pressing. Would that mean that it's one of the earliest pressings of this version?