- merkin rca, rca canadada, rca yuk, rca deutsche bundesrepublik ((west) germany), prob'ly rca nederlands, quite probapossibly rca almost any- & every-where else rca had, or developed, or took over, a semi-independent record-releasing subsidiary, seem to've had & run their own, probapossibly semi-independent "rca international" label and, eventually, the various yeurppean "rca international" labels' vinyl lp-production was centralised, or even "centralized", in the deutsche bundesrepublik ((west) germany), which swallowed up/bought/united with/(whatever) the deutsche demokratische republic ((east) germany) and finally ended the second world war.
- however, not all titles released on the various rca international labels were distributed by rca in all world territories, either simultaneously, or at (more-or-less) the same time, or (quite possibly) ever, for various reasons. these various reasons include, but are not limited to, differing perceptions of the various subsidiaries (& head office) as to the saleability of any given album at the local rca international price-mark, at the local full-price mark for an album - or even at all, at any price; and quite possibly (& perhaps) whether rca yuk, or any other particular rca subsidiary, currently owned or controlled the rights to any given album, and/or the colour of the local rca subsidiary's mangling director's hair-dye - who knows?
- the light-green label "rca international"° lp releases seem to antedate the centralised (or "centralized") yeurppean, black(always?) label, multi-territory "rca international" lp releases.
- the light-green label "rca international"° lp releases by the various yeurppean subsidiaries seem to bear one, or more, rca cat#s depending on which territory's rca subsidiary released them (not necessarily identical with which plant pressed them), and whether they were intended for distribution in more than one distinct traditional territory in yeurrp.
- the light-green label "rca international" lps released by rca yuk may only bear "ints"-prefixed rca cat#s and matrix nos, or they may additionally bear "nl"-prefixed rca cat#s in parentheses, and those that do so may further bear "nl"-prefixed rca matrix nos, also in parentheses.
- all the above is from observation of three or four dozen green-label "rca international" lps that are variously up on 45worlds or in my collection (some are both, though sfaicr i've not created an entry for any rca international lp on "lpcat" - as yet).
- i have yet to see a green-label "rca international" lp released by, or clearly intended for, rca yuk that did not bear an "ints"-prefixed rca cat# upon its label, and/or upon the rear of its printed card sleeve - or a sticky label bearing one such, or signs of such a label having been so affixed.
- i strongly suspect that no green-label "rca international" lp was released by, nor distributed by rca yuk within the yuk & ireland (both political bits) without an "ints"-prefixed rca cat# upon the label and upon the rear of the printed card sleeve, prior to the centralisation (or "centralization") of rca's yeurppean vinyl album production in the deutsche bundesrepublik ((west) germany).
- it seems perverse to list as an "rca international [uk]" lpcat item, a green-label "rca international" album bearing no indication of its being released by, or distributed by, rca yuk.°°
° - & "rca international (camden)", which semi-detached lpcat label may or may not warrant its separate lpcat existence - yr hmbl srppint. knoweth not.°°°
°° - this (and all of the above) should clearly be understood to not apply to black-label yeurppean "rca international" lps produced post-rca's centralisation (or "centralization") of yeurppean production of vinyl lps in the deutsche bundesrepublik ((west) germany) and released in sleeves bearing multiple price-codes including one applying to the yuk & norn iron
°°° - "more research required: please supply further research funding grant"
Well, my Elvis LP (distributed by the RCA companies in 6 countries, including UK, according to the back cover) just has RCA on the black and silver labels (and no appearance of the INTS 5141 on those labels), but the front and back cover both say "RCA International". Assuming that it was marketed in the 5 non-UK countries without the catalogue number sticker, I think the fact that they intentionally printed RCA International on the cover should be enough to confirm that as the label for all countries. Anyway, it would be good to see images for this, to see what countries are listed on the back cover (usually at the bottom somewhere - my Elvis LP lists Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands and UK, so you can't go just by the two or three price codes in the catalogue number block up top).
philmh: yes, yeurppean rca used the "nl"-prefixed codes for yeurppean rca international lp releases, and these cat#s appear in parentheses on some rca international yuk releases below/after the yuk "ints"-prefixed 5nnn cat#s - and sometimes the nl-cat#-derived matrix nos. also appear after these (and the yuk matrix nos), again in parentheses: and both may appear on the lp's labels, as well as (or in addition to) the rear top right-hand corner of the lp's printed card sleeve.
- and, once rca yeurrp centralised lp production in germany, the card sleeves do indeed bear price codes for the multiple main markets.
- but i strongly suspect that, in the absence of firm evidence of an nl-prefixed cat# label & sleeve rca international lp bearing the yuk price-code and no ints-prefixed cat#, nor trace of any ints-prefixed cat# (?& yuk price code?) on a tacky label, rca international label lps bearing an nl-prefixed cat# but lacking an ints-prefixed cat# - and/or yuk price code - are almost certainly not, and should not be presumed to be, "rca international [uk]" releases.
(- quite a sprinkling of definitely wrongly-assigned rca international & rca international (camden) - labeled lps are/were scattered throughout the various alternatives for country (i.e. intended market territory/territories) options currently available on "lpcat".)
Hi ppint, the NL prefix was used for mid-price reissues by RCA/BMG in the UK & Europe, at least some of which did have RCA International as the label. The company had centralized their vinyl production in Germany by about 1984, and usually showed 5 or 6 release countries on the back covers. Some of the earlier ones had stickers on the back covers showing their previous UK numbers, such as my copy of ELVIS IS BACK!, which was RCA International NL 89013, and has an INTS 5141 sticker on the back cover (they did similar things with Tamla Motown reissues which had been in the UK STMS 5000 series, repressed with WL 72000 numbers), but as the decade wore on I believe they just used the same numbers for all countries. Chances are this particular LP would have been for the UK and Europe, but I would need to see images (Discogs has this number listed as a German release, but no images there either).
almost certainly not an "rca international [uk]" lp, unless the nl-prefixed cat# given is actually a matrix no. (or an alternate) - it would have born an "ints" prefix, and almost certainly a number in the 5nnn range°, had it been an rca international [uk] release.
° - just possibly in the 1nnn range: but this is very unlikely for the given rca international label release date - or later