To answer my own question. The back cover says the last 3 songs were recorded in January 1964, so they were not intended for the 1963 album release. I wonder what the original title would have been?
I think there are some weak songs on there that would have dragged the LP down, like A5, A8, B3. Some others are mediocre. I fear the LP could have been a flop if it had been released.
Some of these were added to the 1965 regular LP Elvis For Everyone. I'll have to review the original lineup, and some of those songs should get featured videos here.
Thankyou verr mush.
I am leaving the building.
The album is from 1990 so it says. There could have been 14 titels on it.
But i wonder what was the first release of this album?
Because the title says "Great new release".