Number:2561955 Uploaded By:SvendHenrik00 Description: Front Cover-New World NW 6000-Small Faces (First Hit Album) UK 1972
Number:2561957 Uploaded By:SvendHenrik00 Description: Rear Cover-New World NW 6000-Small Faces (First Hit Album) UK 1972
Number:2561969 Uploaded By:SvendHenrik00 Description: Album Title on Edge of Cover "First Hit Album"-New World NW 6000-Small Faces (First Hit Album) UK 1972
Added Cover showing that the Album Title is "First Hit Album" (written on the Edge of Cover).
MCPS on Labels.
Note the wrong information on Label regarding Composer Credit of track B1 'Runaway', which is composed by Del Shannon and his keyboard player Max Crook [not Marriott/Lane as written on Label].