Vinyl Album A1 The Beatles Drive My Car Lennon, McCartney Rate A2 The Beatles Norwegian Wood Lennon, McCartney Rate A3 The Beatles You Won't See Me Lennon, McCartney Rate A4 The Beatles Nowhere Man Lennon, McCartney Rate A5 The Beatles Think For Yourself Harrison Rate A6 The Beatles The Word Lennon, McCartney Rate A7 The Beatles Michelle Lennon, McCartney Rate B1 The Beatles What Goes On Lennon, McCartney, Starkey Rate B2 The Beatles Girl Lennon, McCartney Rate B3 The Beatles I'm Looking Through You Lennon, McCartney Rate B4 The Beatles In My Life Lennon, McCartney Rate B5 The Beatles Wait Lennon, McCartney Rate B6 The Beatles If I Needed Someone Harrison Rate B7 The Beatles Run For Your Life Lennon, McCartney Rate
Notes Matrices in runouts: Side 1, XEX 579-1; Side 2, XEX 580-1. Uses British plates and is therefore another version of the so-called "loud cut".
Images Comments and Reviews mahanusafa02-45worlds 16th Apr 2020 Additionally, the LP came in a laminated double flipback cover (two flipbacks: only at top and bottom of back cover, not along spine) (printed in the UK?).
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Linked Releases
UK - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
Canada - Capitol - 1965 [Mono]
Denmark - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
Denmark - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Germany - Odeon - 1965
India - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
Ireland - Parlophone - 1965
Israel - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
Italy - Parlophon - 1965
New Zealand - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
Norway - Parlophone - 1965 [Mono]
Singapore - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
UK - Parlophone - 1965 [Stereo]
USA - Capitol - 1965 [Mono]
USA - Capitol - 1965 [Stereo]
Argentina - Odeon "Pops" - 1966 [Stereo]
Argentina - Odeon "Pops" - 1966 [Mono]
Australia - Parlophone - 1966 [Mono]
Australia - Parlophone - 1966 [Stereo]
Brazil - Odeon - 1966 [Mono]
Germany - Odeon - 1966
India - Parlophone - 1966 [Stereo]
South Africa - Parlophone - 1966 [Mono]
South Africa - Parlophone - 1966 [Stereo]
Spain - Odeon - 1966 [Stereo]
Taiwan - Chung Sheng 中聲 - 1966
Turkey - Odeon - 1966
Germany - EMI Odeon - 1969
Italy - Parlophone - 1970
USA - Apple - 1971
Argentina - EMI Odeon - 1973
Japan - Apple - 1976
Yugoslavia - Parlophone - 1977
Brazil - EMI Odeon - 1978
France - Odéon - 1978
Netherlands - Parlophone - 1978
Canada - Capitol - 1980
Italy - Parlophone - 1981
Zimbabwe - EMI Brigadiers - 1981
Japan - Odeon - 1982 [Mono]
USA - Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab - 1984
USA - Capitol - 1987
Argentina - EMI - 1988
Russia - Antrop - 1991
UK - Apple - 1994
USA - Capitol - 1995
Europe - Parlophone - 2012
USA - Parlophone - 2012
Europe - Parlophone - 2014 [Mono]
Italy - Parlophone - 2017
Japan - DeAgostini - 2017
UK - Parlophone - 2017
Argentina - EMI
France - Odéon
Netherlands - Parlophone
Netherlands - Parlophone
Portugal - Parlophone
See Also
Vinyl Album
The Beatles - A Collection Of Beatles Oldies - Parlophone - Netherlands (1966)
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Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Help! - Parlophone - Netherlands (1965)
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The Hollies - Would You Believe? - Parlophone - Netherlands (1966)
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Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Help! - Parlophone - Netherlands (1965)
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