I can see the distinction for price coding purposes, I have to say that having just recorded this, on Polydor Deluxe, andRoxy Music's Avalon, which has a Polydor Super Deluxe code, I think they are significant of something:
The vinyl quality is incredible!
While not 180g, so only a standard thickness, both titles are immaculate vinyls... silent in the quiet parts of the music, and the sound quality is truly brilliant... the bass is tight, deep and rich, and the clarity of everything else is amazing.
I don't know if they used the much vaunted virgin vinyl for these codes, or whether the vinyl is just more refined, or of a smoother consistency when they pressed them... but very impressed with them.
Descriptions such as 'Deluxe', 'Super' and so on were the Polydor/Phonogram equivalents of price codes, and so weren't part of the label's name as such.