Manufactured by: I.E.M.O. Bs. As.
Distributed and promoted by: EMI suppliers (Sud America) S.A.C. e I.
Cover printed and made by: Alpha S.A.I.C.
Collective entities: COMAR, BIEM (tracks A1, A7, B1, B3, B7)
Matrix round number: YAX 3836 (A side) YAX 38X7 (B side)
Produced by: Norrie Paramor
Series: Division Especial, Studio 2 Stereo
Number:3368375 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Description: Frontside of the cover. EMI a logo on the left top side of the cover. Studio 2 stereo name on the right top side of the cover.
Number:3368376 Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Description: Backside of the cover. EMI, Parlophone and Studio 2 Stereo logos appears here.
Number:3368377 Uploaded By:Santiago Molinero Sisto Description: Side 1. Black label, silver lettering. Studio 2 Stereo logo above the spindle hole.