Recorded during the making of the Granada TV programme "Johnny Cash At San Quentin Prison".

Number: 476425 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By: Bodston SUBS Description: Cover | 
Number: 476426  Uploaded By: Bodston SUBS Description: Back cover | 
Number: 476427  Uploaded By: Bodston SUBS Description: Side 1 Label | 
Number: 476428  Uploaded By: Bodston SUBS Description: Side 2 Label |

Number: 1035113  Uploaded By: Magic Marmalade Description: Johnny Cash At San Quentin - Comparison Scan - Laminated First Press Sleeve (Right) On Unlaminated Later Press Sleeve - Front Cover - Top Right | 
Number: 1035114  Uploaded By: Magic Marmalade Description: Johnny Cash At San Quentin - Comparison Scan - Laminated First Press Sleeve (Left) On Unlaminated Later Press Sleeve - Back Cover - Top Right | 
Number: 1035116  Uploaded By: Magic Marmalade Description: Johnny Cash At San Quentin - Comparison Scan - Laminated First Press Sleeve (Top) On Unlaminated Later Press Sleeve - Back Cover - Bottom And Right (Different Printers And "Cut And Paste" Song Titles Section) | 
Number: 1035136  Uploaded By: Magic Marmalade Description: Johnny Cash At San Quentin - A1/B1 (Laminated Sleeve Issue) - Label - Side 1 |

Number: 1035137  Uploaded By: Magic Marmalade Description: Johnny Cash At San Quentin - A1/B1 (Laminated Sleeve Issue) - Label - Side 2 | 
Number: 1035138  Uploaded By: Magic Marmalade Description: Johnny Cash At San Quentin - A4/B2 (un-laminated Sleeve Issue) - Label - Side 1 | 
Number: 1035139  Uploaded By: Magic Marmalade Description: Johnny Cash At San Quentin - A4/B2 (un-laminated Sleeve Issue) - Label - Side 2 |
Magic Marmalade 19th Apr 2016
| | Ah, and finally... the laminated sleeve is a couple of mill smaller than the other one all round.
(With the blue text on spine too, as opposed to the later white).
Regardings and greet-ness-es. |
Magic Marmalade 19th Apr 2016
| | And there's the label scans.
(fear not gentle catter.... now I've scanned and compared, the un-laminated sleeve copy shall be finding it's way back to a charity shop record bin anon - Don't want to be greedy now do we?) |
Magic Marmalade 19th Apr 2016
| | Found an un-laminated sleeve copy the other day, so bought it purely for comparison's sake.
...And there are differences, as my side-by-side scans illustrate.
My Laminated copy has A1/B1 matrices, as mentioned below, and my new un-laminated copy has matrices: A4/B2, if that helps throw a rope around a possible time frame within which the change occurred.
...And wouldn't you know it, now I look at them, both my copies have label variations to differentiate them from those already uploaded by Bodston, so will shortly scan these and upload. |
Magic Marmalade 9th Nov 2015
| | Here's another apparently ordinary album that has some variation.
I saw a couple of these stereo issues on the web claiming that only the very first presses have a laminated front of the sleeve, which is printed by someone else.
And so, checking mine against this, I find mine has the front lamination and has:
"Printed in England by West Bros. Printers. Ltd. 212 Durnsford Road, S.W.19"
at the bottom rear of the sleeve... My matrices are A1/B1 (although my copy is a bit tatty, so no excitement there, and it doesn't appear to boost the value consistently when sold as such).
But one other distinguishing factor is the Cat# on mine on the front, top left, under the CBS logo is blue, not white, and the Cat# on the back (In the hat ? :)) under the logo appears a mid blue - not the same shade as the logo.
Labels seem the same though. |
Magic Marmalade 27th Sep 2015
| | I see a few of these around, so not hard to find in good condition, but there is a Mono copy on ebay at the mo which has gone well past £100 already!
Have to pay closer attention to the copies I see from now on. |