Compilation album released on the "budget line" label "Universal Summit"
Side 1 of this album is a direct copy the A-side of the 1969 (Sun 101) “Original golden Hits Volume II” album. Side 2 is a copy of the B-side of the 1969 (Sun 105) album “Get Rhythm”.
Matrix / Runout (Side A, etched): SUN 101 T XSBV- (Numbers Scratched Out) -1A 130189 32 CMX 32889-32891 B
Matrix / Runout (Side B, etched): SUN105 B XSBV-130235-1F 5 CMX33226-33228
Thank you Jasper & Lee Wrecker for your comments. Jasper the catalogue you mention lists SRA 250-036 as an album by Bobby Sherman called Easy Come, Easy Go. This compilation album contains the single Easy Come, Easy Go which was released in January 1970. So Mr Cash's album could be late 1970 or 1971.
Hi Lee, yes the album you mention should have a separate entry. I actually bought mine from a newsagency in Waterloo (near Redfern) in Sydney where I was living at the time.
Hello Jasper and MoreFloyd this was also released as "I'm Johnny Cash, Vol. II" but with the same "Come In Stranger" title on the label and same cat# incidentally. I know this because my Dad had a copy and I thought the cover looked odd to me so I had squizz on Discogs and came up with this. An odd one, same album two titles and covers. The "I'm Johnny Cash, Vol. II" version would have appeared sometime around '73 - '75 based on my recollection of when it arrived in our house.
Not sure about how we should enter them though. Probably best as separate entries but linked as the titles are different. We'll see when one turns up. Albums like this remind of when you could pick LPs with your groceries at the supermarket.
Hi MoreFloyd - I started keeping a date of purchase notation in my database as of May 1972 and I bought this earlier. Probably early 1972 or even 1971. Michael De Looper's database has SRA 250-038 The Wild One Rocks Again - Johnny O'Keefe as 1972. This is generally a good guide. I might add that your copy looks in good nick - the back of mine is covered in age spots.
There is no indication anywhere on this album as to when it may have been released. Going off Summit Records catalogue numbers, album liner notes, the release dates of the two Sun recordings and good old google I would place the release date as 1970. If anyone can confirm a date it would be much appreciated.