ReviewI Liked Rush from the (very underrated) first album. I bought all of the albums as they were released. I was blown away by 2112 which was a fantastic album at the time (it hasn't worn as well as some of the others) When "A Farewell to Kings" came out I don't think I played 2112 for a few years. This album has some absolutely brilliant tracks with Xanadu being perhaps my all time favourite Rush track. It also has the concert favourite "Closer to the heart" and every other track was excellent........ Then came "Hemispheres" ..... What more can be said.
RIP Neal Peart perhaps the best drummer I have ever seen, and I've seen a few.
Several years ago someone relieved me of quite a few LPs - the original of this being one of them, so I bought another. I have a good idea who the thieiving rat was but alas had no proof.