This 14 track collection is largely the same as the US Version (which contained 12 tracks) released on Motown M740 L a few weeks earlier. However this contains four tracks that weren't on the US version and the US version has two tracks that aren't on this.
The four additional tracks are "Simple Game", Do What You Gotta Do" and "I Can't Help Myself" (all of which had been UK Hits in the two years prior to the release of this collection) plus "MacArthur Park (Pt 2)" (which was their current US Hit but ended up never being released as a UK 45).
The two omitted tracks are - "Still Water (Peace)" (the Part 2/"B" Side of their "Still Water (Love)" single) and "You Keep Running Away" (a 1967 release that had made it onto the UK version of "Four Tops Greatest Hits" three years earlier)