Vinyl Album A1 Hugh Rouse Lion Hugh Rouse Rate A2 Hugh Rouse Fish Eagle Hugh Rouse Rate A3 Hugh Rouse Red Crested Korhaan Hugh Rouse Rate A4 Hugh Rouse Black-Headed Oriole Hugh Rouse Rate A5 Hugh Rouse White-Breasted Sunbird Hugh Rouse Rate A6 Hugh Rouse Yellow-Billed Hornbill Hugh Rouse Rate A7 Hugh Rouse Purple-Chested Lourie Hugh Rouse Rate A8 Hugh Rouse Cape Glossy Starling Hugh Rouse Rate A9 Hugh Rouse Hunting Dog Hugh Rouse Rate A10 Hugh Rouse Rusty Spotted Genet Hugh Rouse Rate A11 Hugh Rouse Emerald-Spotted Wood Dove Hugh Rouse Rate A12 Hugh Rouse Ostrich Hugh Rouse Rate A13 Hugh Rouse Cheetah Hugh Rouse Rate A14 Hugh Rouse Grey Lourie Hugh Rouse Rate A15 Hugh Rouse Greater Honey-Guide Hugh Rouse Rate A16 Hugh Rouse Narina Trogon Hugh Rouse Rate A17 Hugh Rouse Chacma Baboon Hugh Rouse Rate A18 Hugh Rouse Vervet Monkey Hugh Rouse Rate A19 Hugh Rouse Leopard Hugh Rouse Rate A20 Hugh Rouse Red Chested Cuckoo Hugh Rouse Rate A21 Hugh Rouse Natal Robin Hugh Rouse Rate A22 Hugh Rouse Elephant Hugh Rouse Rate A23 Hugh Rouse Wattled Plover Hugh Rouse Rate A24 Hugh Rouse Burchell's Coucal Hugh Rouse Rate A25 Hugh Rouse Elephant Hugh Rouse Rate B1 Hugh Rouse Elephant Hugh Rouse Rate B2 Hugh Rouse Nile Crocodile Hugh Rouse Rate B3 Hugh Rouse Blue Wildebeest Hugh Rouse Rate B4 Hugh Rouse Burchell's Zebra Hugh Rouse Rate B5 Hugh Rouse Crested Barbet Hugh Rouse Rate B6 Hugh Rouse Puffback Shrike Hugh Rouse Rate B7 Hugh Rouse Chacma Baboon Hugh Rouse Rate B8 Hugh Rouse White-Browed Robin Hugh Rouse Rate B9 Hugh Rouse Hippopotamus Hugh Rouse Rate B10 Hugh Rouse Painted Reed Frogs Hugh Rouse Rate B11 Hugh Rouse Hadeda Ibis Hugh Rouse Rate B12 Hugh Rouse Impala Hugh Rouse Rate B13 Hugh Rouse Epauletted Fruit Bat Hugh Rouse Rate B14 Hugh Rouse Black Rhinoceros Hugh Rouse Rate B15 Hugh Rouse Black Backed Jackal Hugh Rouse Rate B16 Hugh Rouse Spotted Eagle Owl Hugh Rouse Rate B17 Hugh Rouse Side Striped Jackal Hugh Rouse Rate B18 Hugh Rouse Leopard Hugh Rouse Rate B19 Hugh Rouse South African Night Jar Hugh Rouse Rate B20 Hugh Rouse Spotted Hyena Hugh Rouse Rate B21 Hugh Rouse Large Grey Bushbaby Hugh Rouse Rate B22 Hugh Rouse Buff Spotted Flufftail Hugh Rouse Rate B23 Hugh Rouse Rattling Cisticola Hugh Rouse Rate B24 Hugh Rouse Trumpeter Hornbill Hugh Rouse Rate Vultures B25 Hugh Rouse White Backed Vulture Hugh Rouse Rate B26 Hugh Rouse Cape Vulture Hugh Rouse Rate B27 Hugh Rouse Black Vulture Hugh Rouse Rate B28 Hugh Rouse Lion Hugh Rouse Rate B29 Hugh Rouse Fish Eagle Hugh Rouse Rate
Notes Script and narration by Hugh Rouse.
Recordings by Dick Reucassel, Tony Pooley.
Images Comments and Reviews Redpunk SUBS ● 17th Sep 2015 My cats freaked out when the lion roared. gregs45s SUBS ● 17th Sep 2015 This one puts recording engineers sat in some nice cosy studio into perspective,i bet there was strong competition as to who got to do the 'Painted Reed Frogs',one of the few things on here that don't bite! ;)
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Vinyl Album
John Edmond And His Bushcats - All Night Razzle - [none] - South Africa
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Lists The Art on The Album: Cats of all kinds - 492 Images - List by whitewhale1965
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