Review"Picture Of You", "Don't Tell Me That", and "Is It Love" are all on a compilation I have. I really like those songs, so I added this album to my discogs want list, thinking that it may be some lost classic.
Today I listened to a rip of it on YouTube, and promptly removed it from my wantlist. I think that 2 tons of Perry Como would do my collection better than this crap, and that's only a mild exaggeration. Freddy & Co. had some wonderful material that hadn't yet been released on a U.K. album, but it seems that their sense of good taste had been demolished by their last two albums.
The 3 songs that I mentioned above are still great, and I highly recommend them, but I don't think I will ever be purchasing this album. Their versions of "Juanita Banana" and "Sing C'Est La Vie" are simply inexcusable, and the rest of the songs are too dull to talk about. This is what people who hate Freddie and The Dreamers think all of their output sound like.