ReviewI used to do a lot of gigs & concerts in the 1970's where I saw quite a few "Iffy" support acts. When I went to a YES concert in 1975, these were the support, and my thoughts were that I would not fancy them after a bit of research prior to the show. They played instruments that I hadn't heard of and I really enjoyed their performance, and consequently bought the album the next day.I now have it on CD and give it the occasional spin. It is very much of it's time, but I still find bits to enjoy. I had some (younger) friends round a couple of years ago, browsing my CD collection and one of them pulled this out and asked for me to give it a quick spin, which I duly did. They were horrified to find that I would actually listen to (and enjoy) this. I'm not sure they've been round again. There's no accounting for taste.