I have the original pressing of the Australian issue of this one; it came out over there (as LSO-1150) in March 1969, well over a year after the album itself was issued in the US.
Hi Lee, RCA International was usually used for mid-price and budget-price reissues outside of the USA. Best that I can date this one to is between 1975 (because of the RCA Limited RCA and New Zealand boilerplate, the company only being established in NZ that year) and August 1988, as this is listed in the first Platterlog I have, dated such. I'm surprised that there's no date code on the back cover, actually, because the codes appeared on most RCA Oz & NZ releases between approximately 1965 and 1985, but occasionally odd ones didn't get the codes. This does look 1980's, though.
No date for this I'm afraid (not listed at all on Discogs) but most likely an early 80's repress of the 1968/69 (?) original Australian RCA release (cat# LSO 1150). Unusual that they chose RCA International for this issue for some reason but does anyone have an idea about a date for this one?