possibly because the english spelling of the word is "sceptre", which isn't the label name?
- these things really did matter, and not just to critics, linguistic purists, and readers of the thunderer and the telegraph, which used to be respectable newspapers, and of the daily wail, which never was; pye records (or scepter) would've needed to trademark and copyright a uk logo - and the word, "sceptre", could well've proved uncopyrightable, or already copyrighted by someone else in the yuk, yeurrp, and/or the british empire and commonwealth. . .
I've no idea why this should be, there are no UK releases on any label called "Scepter" listed over on 45cat but there are some European ones. Scepter on 45cat
It's a mystery...
I've always wondered why Decca used the secondary Wand label for their releases from Scepter-Wand, rather than the parent Scepter label. Any ideas, anyone?