| Various Artists
Jugoslavenska Zborska Muzika I.
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-38 | 1958 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Hor Radio Televizije Beograd
Jugoslavenska Zborska Muzika II.
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-39 | 1958 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Opatija 1958
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-40 | 1958 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Umetnički Ansambl JNA, Simfonijski Orkestar Umetničkog Ansambla JNA And Mladen Jagušt
Republiko Slavo Naša
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-41 | 1958 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Umetnički Ansambl JNA, Simfonijski Orkestar Umetničkog Ansambla JNA And Mladen Jagušt
Tito Nek Vodi Nas - Pjesme O Drugu Titu
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-42 | 1958 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Dušan Jakšić
Melodije Domaćih Autora
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-43 | 1958 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Ivo Robic
Ivo Robić Uz Zabavni Orkestar Ferde Pomykala
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-44 | 1958 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Branimir Sakač
Instrument čarobnjak (Muzička Priča Za Djecu)
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-46 | 1958 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Fran Levstik
Martin Krpan
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-47 | 1958 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Hor Umetničkog Ansambla JNA
Proleteri Svih Zemalja Ujedinite Se! - Revolucionarne Pjesme
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-54 | 1958 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Grupa Dalmatinaca Petra Tralića
Dalmatinske I Primorske Varoške Pisme
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-55 | 1958 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Matija Bravničar
Symphonie II (En Re)
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-V-28 | 1958 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Ferdo Pomykalo
Drage Uspomene
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-V-31 | 1958 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Zagrebački Gudački Kvartet
Krsto Odak, Joseph Haydn
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-V-32 | 1958 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Poezija (I-II)
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-V-48 | 1958 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Poezija (III-IV)
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-V-49 | 1958 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Proza (I-II)
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-V-50 | 1958 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Proza (III-IV)
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-V-51 | 1958 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Drama (I-Il)
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-V-52 | 1958 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Drama (III-IV)
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPY-V-53 | 1958 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Edoardo Lucchina
10 Modernih Tanga
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPD-142 | 1959 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | L'Orchestre De La Suisse Romande
More / Faunovo Poslijepodne / Španjolska Rapsodija
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LP-DC-V-154 | 1959 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Traditional Jazz Scene 1955
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LP-DC-V-159 | 1959 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Sanremo 1959
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPD-V-141 | 1959 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
7° Festival Dell Canzone Napoletana 1959
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPD-V-160 | 1959 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Eva Bernáthová
Franz Liszt: Tri Kompozicije Za Klavir / César Franck: Simfonijske Varijacije
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPS-139 | 1959 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Češka Filharmonija, Václav Talich
Slavenski Plesovi
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LPS-V-140 | 1959 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Bamberger Symphoniker, Joseph Keilberth
VIII. Simfonija U H-moll ("Nedovršena")
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LP-TD-143 | 1959 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Državni Filharmonijski Orkestar Hamburg, Joseph Keilberth
V Simfonija U C-molu, Op. 67
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LP-TD-145 | 1959 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Ludwig Hoffmann
Sonate Nr. 8 C-moll, Op. 13, Sonate Nr. 14 Cis-moll Op.27
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LP-TD-150 | 1959 | 10" LP | 0 | | |
 | Bamberger Symphoniker, Joseph Keilberth
Ouvertüre Leonore Nr.3, Op.72a / Coriolan-Ouvertüre Op.62
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LP-TD-151 | 1959 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Grand Orchestre Symphonique De La RTB-BRT / Franz André
Pines Of Rome; Fountains Of Rome
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LP-TD-152 | 1959 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Joseph Keilberth
Symphonie Nr. 1 C-Moll, Op 68
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LP-TD-V-146 | 1959 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Joseph Keilberth
Symphonie Nr.III Es-dur, Op. 55 »Eroica«
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LP-TD-V-147 | 1959 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Ludwig Hoffmann
Dvije Sonate Za Klavir
| | Jugoton Yugoslavia | LP-TD-V-149 | 1959 | LP | 0 | | |