| Dom. Eugene Boylan And Monsignor Charles Hugo Doyle
What God Does For You And Mental Prayer
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 1 | Jan 1963 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen And Father Barnabas Mary Ahern
The Holy Spirit And Numbering Our Days
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 2 | 1963 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Robert Nash And Rev. Jerome A. Kelly
What Is Wanting In Our Spiritual Life And The Passion And The Death Of Christ
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 3 | 1963 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Most Rev. John C. Heenan And Rev. Robert J. Gannon
The Meaning Of Your Vocation
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 4 | 1963 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Most Rev. Thomas Holland And Fr. G. M. Smith
The Ecumenical Council And Pope John XXIII Speaks To Nuns
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 5 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Christopher E. McElroy And Rev. Thomas McGinnis
The Usefulness Of Emptiness And Humility
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 6 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. John LaFarge And Rev. Mateo Crawley-Boevey
The Meaning Of Old Age / Saints Or Servants
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 7 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Thomas Corbishley And Dom Marmion
Obedience And Holiness
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 8 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Dom. Hubert Von Zeller O.S.B. And Rev. Clifford Howell S.J.
Charity And The Sacrifice Of The Church
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 10 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. William McNamara And Rev. Humphrey Connors
The Dangers Of Religious Life / Second Conversion
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 12 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Most Rev. John C. Heenan
Joy In Giving
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 13 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. B. Fahey And Rev. Matthew L. Gaskin
Spiritual Vision / Anxiety In The Religious Life
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 15 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Patrick Baggot And Rev. N. G. Werling
Why Despise The World And The Psychological Roots Of Sin
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 16 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Gerald Vann And Rev. Walter Burghardt
You Too Can Be A Saint / Look To This Day
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 17 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Bernard Basset And Rev. Robert Madden
Saints Are People And Story Of A Religious
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 18 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Charles Davis And Rev. Daniel J. Berigan
Ecumenism And The Christian Life And Sanctity And Action
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 19 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.
The World's Greatest Love Story And The Last Supper
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 20 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Cardinal John C. Heenan
Speaks On The Call To Holiness
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 21 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Patrick Baggot And Rev. Christian Ceroke, O.Carm
The Purpose Of Our Work And Jesus Of Nazareth
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 22 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. E. J. Cuskelly And Rev. F. W. Faber
The Cross Casts No Shadow And Intimacy With Jesus
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 23 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Ronald Gray And Rev. Fr. Manton
Pope John's Dying Request To Religious And The Core Of Christmas
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 24 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Austin Flannery, O.P.
Liturgical Spirituality And Religious Women And The Church
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 25 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Patrick Baggot And Rev. Austin Flannery
Prayer And Theology And The Spiritual Life
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 34 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Enda McDonagh, D.D. And Rev. Seán O'Riordan, C.Ss.R.
Penance And Charity And Self-Emptying
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 36 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Karl Rahner, S.J.
Death & Resurrection - Homilies For Good Friday And The Vigil Of Easter
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 43 | 1967 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Seán Fagan, S.M. / Rev. Eltin Griffin O.Carm.
Vocation Is Forever / What Is A Retreat
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 54 | 1969 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Austin Flannery, O.P.
Our Christmas... And After
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 56 | 1970 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Sean O'Riordan And Thomas Curtis-Hayward
The Religious Community In The Changing Church And Lightening Our Burden
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 58 | 1970 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Father Ladislas Orsy, S.J.
Authority And Obedience In Religious Life
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 60 | 1970 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Rev. Michael Gallon And Rev. Michael Hollings
The Man Jesus, Our Mediator And Counselling
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 61 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Monsignor J. Buckley And Rev. Seán Fagan, S.M.
Changing Church In A Changing World And Is Community Necessary?
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 62 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | John Carmel Cardinal Heenan
Hazards And Obedience
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 63 | | LP | 0 | | |
 | Nicholas Toner And Father Jim Brand
Christ, Master Of Human Life And The Eucharist, A Sign Of Our Unity
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 64 | 1970 | LP | 0 | | |
 | William McNamara, O.C.D. / Michael A. McGreevey, C.SS.R.
New Life In Death / Religious Vocation In The Church
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 65 | 1971 | LP | 0 | | |
 | Ambrose McNicholl OP And Bishop John W. Armstrong
What Is A Religious? And Prayer And Praying
|  | Mercier Press Ireland | MER 69 | 1971 | LP | 0 | | |