Bamboo 12th Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMMr. James Hudson - Miner's Dream Of Home / Don't Go Down The Mine, Dad | I see. Thank you JLC135 - that is good to know.
Bamboo 11th Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMMr. James Hudson - Miner's Dream Of Home / Don't Go Down The Mine, Dad | Thanks Scrough. This must be the case with one or two other things I have noticed too.
No problem - it's all good !
Bamboo 11th Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMMr. James Hudson - Miner's Dream Of Home / Don't Go Down The Mine, Dad | Sorry Scrough, when I open the page to input a new 78 record I can't see 'an edit to add "Other Cat#s" below "Catalogue Number"
Maybe only moderators have that option ? [yes, sorry it's mods only :( ]
Bamboo 11th Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMAlexander Prince - Lost Chord / Il Bacio | Very good and very interesting .
Thank you Scough.
Bamboo 11th Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMMr. James Hudson - Miner's Dream Of Home / Don't Go Down The Mine, Dad | Thanks very much TheJudge.
I'm not sure what you mean by "may best to but the B-side cat# as the 'other' cat# instead." - could you elaborate a bit for me please ? I can't see where that is an option on the 'add a new 78' page for example - maybe I mis-understand though.
Bamboo 11th Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMMr. James Hudson - Miner's Dream Of Home / Don't Go Down The Mine, Dad | Moderators:
1. This artist has three other records which are recorded as 'Mr' - but without a full stop after the letter 'r'. Should a full stop be added to those to bring all four records together as per the labels ?
2. When there are two different Catalogue numbers on sides 'A' and 'B' should both be inserted using a 'forward slash' (as with this record) ?
Bamboo 11th Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMAlexander Prince - Lost Chord / Il Bacio | Moderators:
1. I created this record as the Winner label seems to be considered to be separate to the Edison Bell Winner label.
2. Is this Winner label version:
actually the same recording as the Edison Bell Winner as the two labels seem to have different matrix numbers ?
Bamboo 9th Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMThe Band Of H.M. 1st Life Guards - The Contemptibles / The Mad Major | Very interesting. Thanks JLC135.
Bamboo 9th Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMThe Band Of H.M. 1st Life Guards - The Contemptibles / The Mad Major | JLC135: I forgot to ask, is there a reason for the 'missing dot' I wonder?
Bamboo 7th Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMJumbo Military Band - The Whistler And His Dog / Coronation Bells | 'A' and 'B' side labels added.
Bamboo 5th Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMReano's Band - Overture "1812" / Overture "William Tell" | Note: Catalogue number 'embossed' onto the left hand side of both labels.
Bamboo 5th Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMThe Band Of The Garde Republicaine Paris - Washington Post / When The Boys Come Marching By | Note: The catalogue number is impressed into the shellac (both sides) - as shown in the above photograph.
Bamboo 2nd Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPM[no artist listed] - Ffrr Characteristic / Ffrr Characteristic | Thanks xiphophilos.
The first two or three tracks were okay as I couldn't hear them, possibly because the neighbour's dog started howling ...............
Bamboo 1st Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPM[no artist listed] - Ffrr Characteristic / Ffrr Characteristic | ReviewI seriously wonder if this record could actually damage your hearing. Even using a 1930's gramophone with Bamboo needles.
What does this sound like? Well, If you can imagine an episode of 'The Man From Uncle' where a person is tortured in an enclosed room using piercing, high pitched sound waves, then you are halfway there.
If you can also imagine the sound of a ww2 aerial bomb being dropped onto your house from an inordinate height, picking up speed all of the time, creating an ever increasing shrill, constant 'whistling sound' as it nears - then you have it.
I would say more, but I seem to be developing a bad headache and feeling dis-orientated. Side 'B' remains unplayed.
9 people found this review helpful. ✔︎ Helpful Review?
Bamboo 1st Jun 2020 |  | 78 RPMWilliam Starr - Cuckoo Waltz / Bluebird Polka | Unsure as to whether the date actually is 1950.
Bamboo 30th May 2020 |  | 78 RPM[no artist listed] - Songs Of Our Grandfathers Re-Set In Guinness Time Part 1 / Songs Of Our Grandfathers Re-Set In Guinness Time Part 2 | Note:
1) This record may or may not have been made in Ireland. Ireland just seemed to be a reasonable initial 'guess'.
2) This record seems to be connected with a book called 'Songs Of Our Grandfathers Re-Set In Guiness Time' (1st January 1936). The songs on the record have the same words / lyrics as those which appear in the book. The record songs follow the book words in complete 'page to page' order.
The book is currently on Amazon (for reference):
Bamboo 30th May 2020 |  | 78 RPMMr. L. Rothery - I Want Some Money / Pucker Up And Whistle | Thank you xiphophilos. Interesting.
Bamboo 29th May 2020 |  | 78 RPMFredk. Granger - The Sheik Of Araby / Georgia | 'A' and 'B' side labels added.
Bamboo 29th May 2020 |  | 78 RPMMr. L. Rothery - I Want Some Money / Pucker Up And Whistle | Note: Unable to read the names of the artists as a 'stamp' obscures the details.
Bamboo 29th May 2020 |  | 78 RPMAlexander Prince - Il Trovatore | Interestingly, there seems to be a grammar inconsistency / anomaly when the two labels are compared.
The words 'With Piano' appear with brackets on the 'A' side, but without brackets on the 'B' side.
Bamboo 29th May 2020 |  | 78 RPMGabrè - Lolita / Allegri Scapoli | Very good. Thank you scrough.
Bamboo 29th May 2020 |  | 78 RPMJoe Richardson's Orchestra - Stumbling / Hortense | Moderators: Should this date actually be Jan,1923 as it belongs to the second series ? [mod: Well spotted! Updated]
Bamboo 28th May 2020 |  | 78 RPMGabrè - Lolita / Allegri Scapoli | It could be.
It was made in Germany of course. So an export?
I don't know the answer at all to be honest - so am happy with what-ever you feel is correct.
Bamboo 28th May 2020 |  | 78 RPMEddie Condon - Black Bottom / Charleston | 1. This Brunswick record seems to be the same songs / Matrix Number versions as the Decca Export record - linked.
2. Does this Brunswick record have a 'stamp' (+PI) attached to side 'A' which is supposed to be unique to Decca records ?
I find these two points puzzling.
Bamboo 28th May 2020 |  | 78 RPMUniv.-Prof. Dr. F. M. Von Hornbostel - Shinnai "Sekïtori Senryonobori" / Matsumae-Oiwake | Moderators: Why does the record have 'B. 37035' but this page catalogues it as 'B. 37036' ?
Bamboo 28th May 2020 |  | 78 RPMElisabeth Schumann - Sei Nicht Bös (Do Not Be Cruel) / Nightingale Song | 'A' and 'B' side label variations added.
Bamboo 26th May 2020 |  | 78 RPMWilliam Thomas - I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles. / Oh, What A Pal Was Mary. | 'A' and 'B' side label variations added.
Bamboo 25th May 2020 |  | 78 RPMCaruso, Abott, Homer, Scotti - Rigoletto | See also:
Bamboo 22nd May 2020 |  | 78 RPMMr. Billy Williams - Save A Little One For Me / Meet You One Dark Night | Thank you very much scrough.
Bamboo 22nd May 2020 |  | 78 RPMBasil Maine - Basanio's Speech From "The Merchant Of Venice" / Friar Lawrence's Speech From "Romeo And Juliet" | Interestingly, the words 'In English' appear at different height positions when the two label sides are compared. (Side 'A' being slightly higher than Side 'B').