carey jeggs-45worlds 18th Jul 2018 |  | Vinyl AlbumPhilly Joe Jones And Elvin Jones - Together | Unfortunately in mono you don't get the benefit of hearing the Joneses trading fours,or eights,or cigarette cards,or whatever else it is that drummers trade.The general sound of the album is very Blue Note-ish.
carey jeggs-45worlds 17th Jul 2018 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Dirty Blues Band - Stone Dirt | For the John R.Bolton impersonation contest only the two blokes on the right made an effort.
carey jeggs-45worlds 11th Jun 2018 |  | BookEdgar Rice Burroughs - The Land That Time Forgot. | Why is Benny out of Crossroads on the cover?
carey jeggs-45worlds 5th Jun 2018 |  | Vinyl AlbumJeff Simmons - Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up | I'm In The Music Business
[YouTube Video]
carey jeggs-45worlds 17th May 2018 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Walker Brothers - Images | The helmets worn by the Chancellery Guards of Gallifrey seem to have been modelled on Gary Leeds' haircut.
carey jeggs-45worlds 24th Apr 2018 |  | Vinyl AlbumHamilton, Joe Frank And Reynolds - Fallin' In Love | Never noticed before that Who Do You Love is credited to Eugene McDaniels.
carey jeggs-45worlds 3rd Apr 2018 |  | TVDoc Martin (2004 - 2022) | Now that the DPP is stepping down she will have more time to play Mrs Tishell the pharmacist.
carey jeggs-45worlds 15th Feb 2018 |  | TVOnly Connect (2008 - Now) | A moment to treasure from last week's show.There was a sequence question based on the titles of Ricky Gervais's tours.A team buzzed in and got it wrong and,when Victoria suggested that maybe they weren't Gervais fans,one bloke said something like,'My hatred of him shouldn't have stopped me getting that.'
I love a bit of asperity to liven things up.
carey jeggs-45worlds 19th Jan 2018 |  | BookCharles Lamb - Selected Prose | Lamb,in Hazlitt's portrait,looking like Gareth Thomas in Blake's Seven.
carey jeggs-45worlds 20th Dec 2017 |  | BookA. E. Van Vogt - The Voyage Of The Space Beagle | That Bruce Pennington painting also appeared on the cover of the NEL edition of Brian Aldiss's Equator.
carey jeggs-45worlds 28th Nov 2017 |  | CinemaThe Trollenberg Terror (1958) | In which you get to see the severed head of a bearded Labour MP.Well,a simulacrum thereof.
carey jeggs-45worlds 19th Nov 2017 |  | BookJohn Norman - Tarnsman Of Gor | Thomas M.Disch wrote a short story called Planet Of The Rapes which was intended as a parody of the Gor books.Unfortunately it turned into what it took off from.
carey jeggs-45worlds 18th Nov 2017 |  | BookRoger Zelazny - Jack Of Shadows | How did Zelazny get away with it? The only good thing about this is the introduction of cigarette smoking into Sword & Sorcery fantasy.
I can't improve on Kingsley Amis's assessment of Zelazny as a purveyor of magic-without-rules who out-Moorcocks Moorcock.
carey jeggs-45worlds 18th Nov 2017 |  | BookRoger Zelazny - Doorways In The Sand | Unsympathetic and annoying eternal student protagonist who climbs buildings and has a lovable old uncle who gives money to the IRA,which we're meant to think is cute.
carey jeggs-45worlds 18th Nov 2017 |  | BookRoger Zelazny - To Die In Italbar | His least favourite of his own books but,considering how many stinkers he wrote,I don't know why he should single it out.
carey jeggs-45worlds 18th Nov 2017 |  | BookRoger Zelazny - Isle Of The Dead | Educational.Tells you more than you ever wanted to know about meerschaum pipes.
carey jeggs-45worlds 18th Nov 2017 |  | BookRoger Zelazny - Creatures Of Light And Darkness | Incomprehensible;although,inexplicably,I've read this pile of tripe twice.
carey jeggs-45worlds 18th Nov 2017 |  | BookRoger Zelazny - This Immortal | Contains a piece of useful advice.Apparently blood is very nourishing once you learn to keep it down.
carey jeggs-45worlds 24th Oct 2017 |  | TVUniversity Challenge (1962 - Now) | Hilarity on last night's show.On the music round Edwin Starr's War was played and a contestant thought it was T Rex.Almost as good as the one a few months ago when a Bo Diddley record was identified as being by Cole Porter.
carey jeggs-45worlds 24th Oct 2017 |  | TVDeal Or No Deal [UK] (2005 - 2016) | It has a kind of Zen quality.
carey jeggs-45worlds 16th Oct 2017 |  | Vinyl AlbumSteppenwolf - Live | I have two copies of this and the sleeves differ although they seem to be the same edition.One is glossy front and back,the other glossy on front only.
carey jeggs-45worlds 4th Oct 2017 |  | Vinyl AlbumMitch Ryder - The Detroit-Memphis Experiment | No mention on label or sleeve of when this was made but judging by the logo I would guess around 1970.Also the Detroit album came out around that time on Paramount.
carey jeggs-45worlds 6th Sep 2017 |  | CinemaDer Untergang (Downfall) (2004) | This is my favourite.
[YouTube Video]
particularly 'A monkey in a pram with loud music'
I hadn't realised he was so famous.
carey jeggs-45worlds 18th Aug 2017 |  | BookBlaise Cendrars - Moravagine | I found this so morally repellent I gave it up.I got as far as the 'hero' mutilating a little girl,with a pair of scissors.This was presented as just a bit of amusing collateral damage in his quest for selfhood.Ian Brady might have enjoyed it.
carey jeggs-45worlds 22nd May 2017 |  | CinemaThe Boat That Rocked (Pirate Radio ) (2009) | Not a bad movie? I agree.It's an execrable movie and Tony Blackburn is back on my Christmas card list after his recent diatribe against it.
carey jeggs-45worlds 12th May 2017 |  | Vinyl AlbumMC 5 - High Time | Yes it does exist as a UK issue.Now entered with label images.Sorry unable to scan sleeve.
carey jeggs-45worlds 27th Apr 2017 |  | Vinyl AlbumYes - Yessongs | There's a nice pretentious touch at the beginning where Anderson is testing his microphone and,instead of saying 'testing testing one two',like any normal person,he la-las the bassoon passage from the beginning of Rite Of Spring.
BTW the sound is mostly dreadful.
carey jeggs-45worlds 20th Apr 2017 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Rascals - Peaceful World | Mother Nature Land and Visit To Mother Nature Land sound like the same track rather than the latter being a reprise of the former.I've never understood this.
carey jeggs-45worlds 10th Apr 2017 |  | Vinyl AlbumMountain - Mountain Climbing! | I was thinking of Leslie West.
carey jeggs-45worlds 9th Apr 2017 |  | Vinyl AlbumMountain - Mountain Climbing! | Are they playing Paper,Scissors,Scone on that back cover photo?