Paulyd333 19th Jun 2023 | | 78 RPMПетръ Лещенко - Чубчикъ (Tschubtschik) / Прощай, Мой Таборъ (Leb' wohl mein Tabor) | My apologies, Images should be vice versa, ie True Side A image is shown as "Side B", and True Side B image belongs to "Side A". Is someone able to fix that please?
Paulyd333 18th Jun 2023 | | 78 RPMПетръ Лещенко - Мусенька (Muzinka) / Дуня (Блинь) (Dunea (Blini)) | Side A:
Side B:
Paulyd333 18th Jun 2023 | | 78 RPMPetr Lescenco - Кто Ты (Kto Ti) / Алеша (Aljoscha) | Side A:
Side B:
Paulyd333 18th Jun 2023 | | 78 RPMPeter Lescenco - Туманно На ДушѢ (Regrets) / Маршъ Из Фильма „Цирнъ | Side A:
Side B:
Paulyd333 18th Jun 2023 | | 78 RPMPeter Lescenco - Ванька милый (Dear Ivan) / Настя ягоды продает (Wild Strawberries) | Side A:
Side B:
Paulyd333 18th Jun 2023 | | 78 RPMPetr Lescenco - Мальчишка (Boy) / Въ цирѢ (In The Circus) | Side A:
Side B:
Paulyd333 18th Jun 2023 | | 78 RPMПетръ Лещенко - Я Бы Так Хотел Любить (Ja Bi Tak Hotel Liubiti) / Миша (Mischa) | Side A:
Side B:
Paulyd333 18th Jun 2023 | | 78 RPMPeter Lescenco - Старинный Вальсъ (An Old Waltz) / Стаканчикй (Little Glasses) | Side A:
Side B:
Paulyd333 18th Jun 2023 | | 78 RPMPeter Lescenco - Loshatki / Ha-Cha-Cha | Side A:
Side B:
Paulyd333 18th Jun 2023 | | 78 RPMПетръ Лещенко - Что МнѢ Горе (Tschto Mne Gore) / Жизнь Ціганская (Zigeuner Leben) | Side A:
Side B:
Paulyd333 18th Jun 2023 | | 78 RPMPetr Lescenco - Останься (Ostansia) / Миранда (Miranda) | Side A:
Side B:
Paulyd333 16th Jun 2023 | | 78 RPMPeter Lescenco - Возле леса у реки (At The Forest Near River) / Частушки (Ditties) | Side A:
Side B:
Paulyd333 24th Apr 2023 | | 78 RPMDerevensky Orkestr - Balnaya Lezginka (Бальная лезгинка) (Бальна лезгінка) / Yablochko (Little Apple) (Яблочко) (Яблучко) | [Balnaya Lezginka - Ballroom Lezginka] [Yablochko (Little Apple)]
Paulyd333 24th Apr 2023 | | 78 RPMPeter Lescenco - Капитанъ (Kapitan) / Срой Намъ ВѢтеръ (Sing To Us, Wind) | [Kapitan] [Sing To Us, Wind]
Paulyd333 24th Apr 2023 | | 78 RPMThe Voronezh Russian Folk Chorus - A) At Dawn I Went A Milking B) Not Beyond The Woods / Voronezh Lamentations | [(A) At Dawn I Went A Milking (B) Not Beyond The Woods} [Voronezh Lamentations]
Paulyd333 24th Apr 2023 | | 78 RPMЛ. Утесов - Тем, Кто В Море / Дорога На Берлин | [For those who are at sea (Тем, кто в море)]
Paulyd333 24th Apr 2023 | | 78 RPMЛ. Утесов - Тем, Кто В Море / Дорога На Берлин | (Дорога на Берлин, Road to Berlin, Leonid Utesov)
Paulyd333 21st Apr 2023 | | 78 RPMO. Kovaleva - Good-bye / Kaluga Folk Songs | Material is vinyl, not shellac, but still 78rpm.
Paulyd333 3rd Nov 2021 | | 78 RPMHelen Lisowa - To Tell Your Fate / Clear Night | I did communicate with Ross Laird to let him know of this record, which he appreciated. I don't think that his publication referred to will be updated soon, if at all, as he's very busy on other projects.
Paulyd333 28th Oct 2021 | | 78 RPMHelen Lisowa - To Tell Your Fate / Clear Night | My apologies for the delay in uploading the images, and thank you for your response.
Paulyd333 28th May 2019 | | 78 RPMГ. Абрамов - Одинокая Гармонь / Тачанка | Most of the Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble were tragically killed in a plane crash in 2016; they say that it will take at least 10 years for the Ensemble to reach that level of perfection again.
Paulyd333 19th May 2019 | | 78 RPMИван Скобцов (Ivan Skobchov) - Косы русые (Blonde Braids) / Синий платочек (Blue Scarf) | Numbers in run out:
A. 17254
B. 1028 B
Paulyd333 15th May 2019 | | 78 RPMHelen Lisowa - To Tell Your Fate / Clear Night | Matrix Numbers are MX 59729 and MX 59730
Would be very interested to know what that tells us.
Paulyd333 12th May 2019 | | 78 RPMW. Rychtowski - Liubliu (I Love You) / Pesn' Moriaka (Sailor's Song) | thank you JLC135 so much for uploading those tracks - wonderful music and artists!
Paulyd333 9th May 2019 | | Vinyl AlbumA. V. Alexandrov - Alexandrov's Ens. Concert No.1 | Have inherited several Russian/ Eastern European records from my mother-in-law. She relayed a story about one of the parties the Russian community had - lots of dancing and vodka. One lady was dancing in high heels, very merry and animated - landed with the high heels on a whole stack of 78's - broke the lot! Ah, those Russians! :)
Paulyd333 9th May 2019 | | Vinyl AlbumA. V. Alexandrov - Alexandrov's Ens. Concert No.1 | Thanks Keith S. I just checked the record and it's not blue vinyl, that's just the way the picture has come out - may be the result of some editing enhancements I tried. Just as a general question, is it preferable to send you the jpg exactly as it was taken, without trying to enhance at this end?
cheers, Paul